pbz' story. [hi-res pics]


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pbxr said:
Thanks for your replies. As I stated earlier - I can't afford getting a second opinion. And my only way to afford Propecia is getting a prescription for it. Not even purchasing it over the Internet is going to help me.

Why not? The Proscar is cheap as hell - and genuine brand!


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pbxr said:
I still don't have any bald spots at all. As I said, I shot the pictures in extreme lighting, and with dark-dyed hair.

Hair dye is brutal for recovering new hair...not too good for the scalp either


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HairFarmer said:
pbxr said:
I still don't have any bald spots at all. As I said, I shot the pictures in extreme lighting, and with dark-dyed hair.

Hair dye is brutal for recovering new hair...not too good for the scalp either

I agree. Stop doing that. It's like pissing in your pants: May do you some good for a while, but will cause more harm than good in the long run.


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This "hair" is a lamentable mess to style. With gel and combed backwards it looks very full from the front, but like hell from the back.

I'm thinking of shaving it off again and beginning with my Minoxidil (which I used once and then stopped), and of borrowing some money from my parents so I can afford a visit to a private dermatologist.

Any thoughts on this?

Edit: I just shaved it again - and GOD, does it feel liberating not to have to worry about scalp visibility and overhead lights.

Anyway - do you think that I should get on Minoxidil already even before knowing if I'll get Propecia from a private doctor?

Edit 2: Moments ago I found out that Propecia is one of those few prescription drugs that are NOT included in the high cost-protection that we have here. What should I tell a dermatologist to get Proscar prescribed?


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Update: Today I (gasp) got my prescription and bought my first pack of Propecia. I guess this marks the true start of my treatment. I just hope I won't have too many side effects. Some stories around here are quite scary. :S


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Here's an extreme midscalp (the thinnest area except for vertex) closeup at day 0 of my regimen with about two days of growth from shaved state.

As a reference, here are some pictures of my hair:

Age 16:

Age 16:

Age 17:

Age 17:

Age 17:

Age 18:

Age 18:

Age 19, (spring 2004):

Age 19, this summer (2004):

Age 20, december (2004):

As you can see, I've always had a pretty high hairline - but the temples have very evidently receded; and the overall diffuse thinning in most of these pictures is stronger than visible in them. In the 2004-pictures the state of the overall thickness was probably as bad as it is now, only hidden by an alternative haircut and lots of styling (although my diffuse thinning is quite evident in the spring-picture).

I don't know why I'm posting all of this. I hope someone finds it interesting and cares to comment or something.


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Today is my sixth day on Propecia and fifth day on Rogaine (and I've been using Nizoral every third day for about a month).

Still no signs of sides from Propecia, but today I woke up with some pretty bad acne in the areas where Rogaine has been applied. This subsided through out the day and is now mostly gone.

No signs of shedding yet. I'll keep you updated.


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Those acne-like things are back. I've decided to post a photo of it. Has anyone reacted like this to Rogaine? (Or Nizoral. I don't know which.)

Without (day 0):

With (day 6):


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Day seven: The pimples are almost gone again, but have been replaced by some pretty bad dandruff instead. I hope my scalp will get used to Minoxidil. :S


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I've read (on this website, not the forum) that Nizoral can cause scalp pimples.

I also read (on the forum) that some people have noticed hair growth where pimples were... so keep an eye on it.


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KevinW said:
I've read (on this website, not the forum) that Nizoral can cause scalp pimples.

I also read (on the forum) that some people have noticed hair growth where pimples were... so keep an eye on it.

I didn't know that Nizoral could cause pimples, but that may very well be a reason. We'll se what shows up after my next application, which should be this saturday.

I just read that too. I'll keep an eye on it. And a lense of course, as usual. :wink:

Update: Dandruff is gone for now. Here's the pictures of my scalps different conditions so far.

Day 0, Small red, unidentified spots. Maybe from shaving with a dull razor:

Day 6, Acne-pimples appearing and disappearing at random:

Day 7, At first dandruff - which disappeared. Scalp seems "normal" for now:


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Day 15: Still no signs of side-effects or shedding. No more scalp-irritations, and only one-or-two pimples in the vertex and mid-scalp areas.

Minoxidil is getting really easy to apply, although it certainly takes its time to dry. Probably I'll switch to Dr. Lees and generic proscar later on if no sides shows up before month 5. At the moment I'm feeling most comfortable with the thought that I can get them both within ~1km.

(Edit) Day 18: As nothing major has happened, I didn't feel like making a new post and bumping my thread. I'm steadily getting closer to the one month-mark, and I still haven't experienced any sides.

With this calm start, maybe I should expect to be stricken down by gyno and getting a permanent NW7-shed soon (not to mention the shedding of prominent organs). x_x


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Day 19: Today I'll be posting some reference-images with the hairline traced with a pencil, for later measurement..

I'll begin with the worst picture, where my diffuse thinning really shows (more than it does in normal situations). There clearly are less 'visible' traces of follicles in the thinnest area. (Oh, by the way - yes, the left side is worse than the right - but the image is slightly tilted too. And, yes - the tracing sucks in the front, but this is intended as it allows the hairline to be studied more closely. At the side-pictures, the hairline starts further than visible [that is, where the mark is], due to thinner hair and bad focus.)

Left side:

Right side:

And eventually, a vertex-picture of my naturally coloured hair, before any changes (negative or positive) starts to take place. (That dreadful swirl has made my hair a pain to style all of my life.)

What do you think? Has my diffuse male pattern baldness progressed so far the last few months that the damage done will be irrecoverable? Please share your opinions.


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WHY DONT YOU use minoxidil? it completely stopped my hair loss. I am 23 and my condition i like yours (a little more worse in temples and better in the back)


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Re: ..

thylax said:
WHY DONT YOU use minoxidil? it completely stopped my hair loss. I am 23 and my condition i like yours (a little more worse in temples and better in the back)

Err? I've been using Finasteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral for a month now. o_O


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Today I hit my one month-mark.

I've noticed an unbelievable reduction of acne-pimples on my neck and back, something that I and my doctors have been trying to battle since the age of fourteen. For six years, nothing has been of any help, and the last few years I haven't even bothered with it. Since it doesn't affect my face anymore, I've just kept my back and neck covered an often as possible.

Three weeks ago, my neck was (as usual) covered in an uncountable number of pimples all the way around it, and now only maybe five or six remain - something that has never really happened for probably five to six years.

I _think_ that the thinning on my vertex has started to become a bit more pronounced. I'll keep an extra eye on this region.

Thanks to everyone on this board. Without you I'd probably still be hanging out on hairsite's board without any thoughts of getting started on a regimen.


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pbz said:
Today I hit my one month-mark.
I _think_ that the thinning on my vertex has started to become a bit more pronounced. I'll keep an extra eye on this region..

It's probably that extra eye that is making the thinning appear more pronounced. :)


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Day 48: (I think. Count for yourselves if you also doubt this, and inform me if your results differ. I really suck at counting days through out the shifts of months. o_o)

I've read that this is something that everyone sees in the beginning of a treatment, but that it mostly doesn't happen much more after that. Anyway, I should probably tell you. There are short (~1.5mm), dark (but quite thin) hairs growing in the middle of my temples like small islands where there hardly was a few microscopic, almost transparent white hairs (sub 0.5mm) two months ago.

It's not really much of a change at all, since there only are maybe six to ten hairs in the middle of each temple, and as I've read that they probably will stay the same the rest of the treatment or just fade away again after a short time.

I can't really make a judgement about the rest of the hair yet. It's harder to spot something growing or fading away at the top when you're a diffuse thinner.

Some people might be wondering about side effects. I've still not had any - except for that all of my acne has disappeared. I've now only got scars left on my back and neck. I don't know if it's related to my treatment, but since it has been there for six years I really can't see why it'd choose to go away right now. It's strange, but I won't complain over it.

My scalp put up a small fight against the Minoxidil during the first two weeks, but now it just accepts it without any trouble. The Minoxidil is also quite quick-drying for being Rogaine and hasn't been an issue at all, but if I grow my hair longer than ~1.5cm as it is right now, I'll probably try Dr. Lee's.

I'll keep you updated and take new pictures whenever anything worth seeing appears (or vanishes).


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pbz said:
I've noticed an unbelievable reduction of acne-pimples on my neck and back, something that I and my doctors have been trying to battle since the age of fourteen. For six years, nothing has been of any help, and the last few years I haven't even bothered with it. Since it doesn't affect my face anymore, I've just kept my back and neck covered an often as possible.

Three weeks ago, my neck was (as usual) covered in an uncountable number of pimples all the way around it, and now only maybe five or six remain - something that has never really happened for probably five to six years.

So what do you think has helped your pimples dissappear?

Also, does your head get oily (and does it 'smell'?) ?


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moegreen said:
pbz said:
I've noticed an unbelievable reduction of acne-pimples on my neck and back, something that I and my doctors have been trying to battle since the age of fourteen. For six years, nothing has been of any help, and the last few years I haven't even bothered with it. Since it doesn't affect my face anymore, I've just kept my back and neck covered an often as possible.

Three weeks ago, my neck was (as usual) covered in an uncountable number of pimples all the way around it, and now only maybe five or six remain - something that has never really happened for probably five to six years.

So what do you think has helped your pimples dissappear?

Also, does your head get oily (and does it 'smell'?) ?

DHT is somewhat linked to acne, so I'd say that the Finasteride (if anything connected to my regimen) is responsible for this. The pimples are still completely gone, so something clearly happened.

My head was oily before (in fact, my whole head, face and neck got oily easily), but the oilyness disappeared together with the pimples.

I'd say that my skin has never been in better condition, except for before I became a teenager.