Pat Tillman


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thats all you idiots can do ? swearing to me because i tell my opinions, buzz your heads off and have beer, go outside and have fun instead of sitting up your *** and pulling hairs out swearing at me for none stupid pricks keep stressing and swearing and you will eventually lose some more . Shitheads

Lesson learned, never argue with idiots.


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WTF are u people talking about!?! USA INVADED Iraq (not Iraq USA)because of the "weapons of mass destruction" that they had, which they didn't, of course. It was just a lame excuse. Al qaeda has nothing to do with this war!!!
And when I hear in the news that "He died defending his country" it makes me sick. You people are so ignorant, you should be ashamed of your selves.
And why is this guy any more important than any other person that died in that war. It's all over the damn news, all day long.
It's good how everyone becomes a hero....after they die :roll:
Give me a break!

The Gardener

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HairFreak said:
WTF are u people talking about!?! USA INVADED Iraq (not Iraq USA)because of the "weapons of mass destruction" that they had, which they didn't, of course. It was just a lame excuse. Al qaeda has nothing to do with this war!!!
And when I hear in the news that "He died defending his country" it makes me sick. You people are so ignorant, you should be ashamed of your selves.
And why is this guy any more important than any other person that died in that war. It's all over the damn news, all day long.
It's good how everyone becomes a hero....after they die :roll:
Give me a break!


What does Iraq have to do with this?

Pat Tillman died in Afghanistan. And as far as I am concerned the war in Afghanistan was justified and right. Al Qaeda was based in Afghanistan, and the government there not only let them train there, but actually supported and protected them.

Al Qaeda hijacked airliners filled with innocent people and flew them into skyscrapers filled with more innocent people.

As far as I am concerned, the invasion, occupation, and the continued killing of Afghans and other Arabs who had anything to with Al Qaeda is very much "defending our country", just as Pat Tillman was doing.

Perhaps you should READ the article about Pat Tillman, the one in the URL in the initial posting. Your posting pretty much illustrates that you just spouted out crap before listening to Pat Tillman's story. He is not a 'hero' just because he died in a war. He is a hero because he turned down a life of riches to make a stand on principle.

As for Iraq, I agree. Iraq is a crock.


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I'm sorry, my bad.
Somebody told me that he died in Iraq, which I thought was very dumb on his part.
Anyway, it don't matter as he did go to Iraq at first place and then he was deployed to Afghanistan.
Besides, I don't know why u all praise him so much, as you all know that none of you would reject that money and go to war instead.
So is he a hero, or a dumb sucker.
You all will praise him now, and forget about all this in a few days and go on with your lives. But he, instead of enjoying his life, is dead now.
I’m sorry but I cannot say that he made a smart decision in his life.


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How telling is it that at least one of the flamers is a Canadian?

Look, if you don't think this guy who gave up a shitload of money to play an f'ing GAME in order to serve his country after an unprecedented terrorist attack is a hero - more power to you. And frankly it doesn't matter one bit if he was first deployed to Iraq or not, soldiers don't pick where they go. It's clear what motivated him. And oh yeah, I'm sure he did it for the glory. Why, everyone knows your name when you're a soldier, right? Try being a soldier. Try giving something of your life, and I don't mean an hour or two here or there at the local youth center - I mean giving years of your life to live and operate in conditions most people wouldn't accept high pay to endure. Tell me it's all about glory, especially when you've turned down fortune _and_ fame for it. For chrissake what a stupid comment.

As for the jerkoff who flamed away because "someone told him" the guy died in Iraq - you perfectly typify the majority of the people who run around flaming the US lately. Fascism! America is a Nazi state! Dubya is a puppet! Or he's a sinister warmonger! (Whichever the case may be that day.) I don't blame people outside the US given the steady and ridiculously one-sided diet of warped information they're fed by their media. (Yes, for a period of time we had a rather one-sided view of things in the US - but only for a period, a period long past, and the foreign media diet pre-dated that by decades and extends on today.) Doesn't mean it's not stupid either way.

My hat is off to Pat Tillman. Whether he's a better man than all of us, he sure as hell sacrificed a 'sure thing' when most of us wouldn't. I served five years and even I don't know if I would do so again if I was facing 3.5 million dollars. And either way, the man gave his life in a place only the most ivory-tower-sitting-gimps would criticize us for being in.

("Went there to kill innocent people" my ***. Hell, even if he was in Iraq the majority of the people being killed there are far from innocent. People seem to have no earthly clue what that place was like, and the hand many of the insurgents today had in that living hell. Many people actually believe these are simply brave men and women who have taken up arms to shake off the oppressive Americans. Unreal.)

Healthy Nick

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Some of the people in this thread are total fools. You should thank Pat Tillman for deciding to take the fight somewhere else, instead of letting it remain fought on our soild. And let me tell you, if we didn't go into Afghanistan and Iraq, we would be attacked again and again. You people don't realize the seriousness of the situation.


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Re: Typical

Pelican said:
How telling is it that at least one of the flamers is a Canadian?

Telling of what exactly pelican? That Canadian's are back water simpletons who are incapable of forming educated opinions?. Oh wait! Surely your view of Canadians isn't affected by that "steady and ridiculously one-sided diet of warped information" fed to you by your media! Unlike you, I don't assume as much about Americans. You feel very strongly on this issue. I respect you for acting on your beliefs instead of sitting on your arse like most folk. However, that doesn't give you a green card to be presumptuous and condecending. Try dispassion next time; you'll do your argument more justice if you don't flip insults and innuendo.

Here are a couple of clarifications: I wasn't flaming anyone and I didn't say Tillerman was in it for the glory. I DO think that when it comes to something as ugly as war we need to look at all things related with a critical eye.

There's a wack of doctors out there who trudge through 10+ years of med school for money and respect. Like medicine, war is a career for some - complete with pay-scales, benefits, promotions, and corner offices. The business of war is steeped in high notions of honor, duty, and personal sacrifice; be all you can be, heroes die for their country, etc, etc. Why is it silly to think that some soldiers find this attractive and pay little regard to the issues involved in their country's war? I'm my opinion, it's silly to think otherwise.

Anyhow, I was merely commenting on what Gardener said. I don't think that a soldier's actions are immune to critical evaluation by virtue of what they do.


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Al Qaeda- do you think these guys use rogaine or pro?

Bin Laden- he seems to have thick hair- do you think he is on RK -19?

The Gardener

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We do NOT get a warped and backward view of Canada presented here in the States. But, I think you should can your commentary until they finally get running water in Toronto. lol.. just kidding.

Canadians are about the only ones whose criticisms I really take to heart. I suppose the US and Canada are the proverbial brothers forced to share a bedroom during our childhood. I definitely don't see Canada as being a backwater, but I must admit those Alberta types are definitely cut from a different cloth. And those Quebeckers (Quebecois?.. or something like that?... sorry, no pollyvou Franzy) get under the skin from time to time. If I had to live in Canada, I'd probably move to Vancouver. Nothing better than smoking a fat joint while watching the rain fall...



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there is a Turkish Phrase which says "Gun invented & courage , bravery lost "

I couldnt translate it well. It 's an old saying. Think of Last samurai


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coffee said:
that's one thing canuks and yanks can agree on - no one likes toronto.

As a person who left Toronto to go live in Vancouver I have had the chance to see the good and bad in both cities. Tooronto is by far the best city to live in. vancouver is totally over rated and Winnipeg is well....just a shithole. :lol:


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take yer sars sammitches and shove it funny boy. no 10 million dollar concert is gonna save your fave city from shitsville :)

anyway. someone give me my hair back.


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Pat Tillman said:
Actually, I like Toronto. Now, lets get back on topic, assholes. This thread is supposed to be about me.

Out of everything I have ever seen on this board, this is without a doubt the lowest class and disrespectful thing I have ever seen. Nothing makes me laugh more than dark humor but this is way out of line changing your nick to Pat Tillman and having him as your Avatar.

Grow up this isn't even remotely funny. Not even close. You proud of yourself? Do you feel better making Americans and everyone who has respect for Pat Tillman mad? I bet you really feel like your sticking it to us don't you.

Get some dignity.


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Cassin said:
Pat Tillman said:
Actually, I like Toronto. Now, lets get back on topic, assholes. This thread is supposed to be about me.

Out of everything I have ever seen on this board, this is without a doubt the lowest class and disrespectful thing I have ever seen. Nothing makes me laugh more than dark humor but this is way out of line changing your nick to Pat Tillman and having him as your Avatar.

Grow up this isn't even remotely funny. Not even close. You proud of yourself? Do you feel better making Americans and everyone who has respect for Pat Tillman mad? I bet you really feel like your sticking it to us don't you.

Get some dignity.

c'mon cassin, dont you think your being a little rough on the guy? I thought it was kinda funny, please dont hate me. :p


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I know I'm coming in on this post late, but I was gone for the weekend and missed all the action.

Wezz your a f*****g idiot. Why are you calling anybody on this site a newbie. Your a f*****g newbie. I'm so tired of all your sh*t. I answered every one of your pm's when you first got on this site even though every single one was incoherent. Not only do you not have the balls to take proscar but you blatently disrespect a hero. I don't know how you can possibly call anyone an idiot. Through your posts and dialect your clearly one uneducated stupid little b**ch.


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Cassin said:
For once, could we have one of these were everyone is respectful and not turn it into politics?

Yah, right, like thats gonna happen

Pat Tillman came from my home town. I am anti-war, but I must agree that his choice was noble. It clearly wasn't for the glory, as NFL players are far more recognized then individual soldiers. He made his decision because he wanted to live up to the memories of his ancestors and stand up for what he believed was right. Pat Tillman died with honor, just as many young American solders do every day.

While it is good that he was stationed in Afganistan, he could just as easily been in Iraq by no choice of his own. Just because the Iraq war is a foolish crucade by a foolish leader, that does not mean there is no honor in the soldier who fights it.


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This Post

To All,

This post was started to honor a man who gave up his life to do what he believed in. He was an American who symbolizes all the good that is still left in human kind.

Somehow along the way this whole post got out of hand, at least it seems like it. I would like to ask all to just stop all attacks back and forth and lets just get back to hairloss.


The Gardener

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Actually, Tony, I think this has been a good thread. Sure, people may argue but sometimes expressing onesself is cathartic.

It would be great to have such discussions in person. No, not just about politics, of course, but a chance to talk in person about all we type about here on this forum.

It is time to organize the first annual barbecue, in my opinion. Being a Brasileiro, I'm sure you would be up for some good barbecue, and personally I would LOVE to have it in Rio but I think the airfares might be too expensive for most of us. Aaah, the thought of comparing minoxidil application techinques over a cachaca-laced coconut on Ipanema beach while the sun sets would be sublime.... And how I dearly miss a nice big bowl or three (tops!) of real brazilian feijoada with a sprinkling of farofa and pepper sauce.

But maybe we should plan an event somewhere more convenient for us? I think we should do it!

I think Dallas would be a good place. Good air access via American Airlines and Southwest. A September BBQ anyone?...