Over 10+ years as a balding young man...my take on it...


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Damn brighton you know me so..so..well its like you been there with me through it all >__>...why i would lie in a place like this is beyond me i would admit if anything not like i have anything to be shamed off we all in the same vote now...but if you want to think im lying then i will say i am to to make yourself feel better...but i just LOVE how you think you got me figured out but boy...you couldnt be more wrong brighton you couldnt be more god damn wrong...and come on everyday day making posts? funny i thought i skipped days this last week an not post anything at all...maybe im in denial about that to yeah thats it i must be im in denial yeah it makes sense >__>

Just one more thing please dont go round thinking you know what i been through trying to act all smart with your posts like you know me...there WAS a time an place i told you this that i use to worry and i be DAMNED that i go through it again if for some reason you cant accept that im fine with it then thats your problem...

Oh and the obvious question what was i looking for when i found this? ok then i answer it...round about the time when i found this site i was on youtube looking at hairloss videos seeing people what went through the same stuff i did (worrying about it etc etc) i was interested in how others dealt with it how they over come it like i did but off course there was some vids off people who wasnt quite there yet sadly...then i found this site (i went on to google looking up more stuff about what i searched on youtube) and then i went on my "denial" "100 posts a day" saying well you know the rest.

youre a child and making a tit of yourself here, ive called you spot on over and over, ill not repeat myself.

you have nothing to offer.


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youre a child and making a tit of yourself here, ive called you spot on over and over, ill not repeat myself.

you have nothing to offer.

Nothing else to say huh? good dont repeat yourself if anyone is the tit here its YOU thinking you know me better then i know myself...i said it once and i say it again...i would admit if i was worrying etc about it what the **** have i got to gain lying to you lot? cant you accept the fact i dont care or something? your smart *** posts dont mean **** dont talk like you know me boy got it?


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i recommend you to use propecia despite you afraid to use propecia .. you can start with low dose and after you will feel more confidence you can take the whole dose..
it is a very strong drug that really works........... ! it can change your life..

propecia and minoxidil are very effective drugs .. the only drugs that have approved by FDA ..

and you always can do a hair transplant ..

i happy to read that you feel better now despite you continue to bald.. but i think you can feel better when you stop the balding ..

good luck :)


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Nothing else to say huh? good dont repeat yourself if anyone is the tit here its YOU thinking you know me better then i know myself...i said it once and i say it again...i would admit if i was worrying etc about it what the **** have i got to gain lying to you lot? cant you accept the fact i dont care or something? your smart *** posts dont mean **** dont talk like you know me boy got it?

are those the words of somebody who is totally happy and in control of their life? lol

there are millions of men who dont appear to care about baldness, they dont post on hairloss forums. what you gain by pretending its no big deal to people who obviously see it as such, is a tiny boost to your own child like ego.

you have nothing to offer anybody on this site besides amusing me with your tantrums


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are those the words of somebody who is totally happy and in control of their life? lol

there are millions of men who dont appear to care about baldness, they dont post on hairloss forums. what you gain by pretending its no big deal to people who obviously see it as such, is a tiny boost to your own child like ego.

you have nothing to offer anybody on this site besides amusing me with your tantrums

Lmao tantrums bless you amused by my posts as much as im amused everytime you talk to HPM lmao...i said many times why i came here i even said how i found this site etc etc...its up to you if you want to believe its as simple as that...funny thing is back when i use to worry this site would off been great for me i wouldnt feel as alone with what i was going through at the time...you say i offer nothing but you have seen just as much as i have that some are glad that im here off course you say im talking bull or something...so much for not repeating yourself huh?

"There are millions of men who dont appear to care about baldness, they dont post on hairloss forums." very true but i told you why im here many times to help others...when i came here (you know why i told you) i saw nothing but doom and gloom so i tried to "bright" it up a bit maybe i failed i dont know some other posts i saw say otherwise...but sorry for caring for the new comers what come here who feel like **** already what come in these forums for some help just to see people going "your social life is doomed women like men with hair blah blah"...sorry for caring.

uncomfortable man

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I'm glad someone sensible can attest to the harsh truth of the situation in an objective way. Some people on this site won't believe it coming from me.


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Lmao tantrums bless you amused by my posts as much as im amused everytime you talk to HPM lmao...i said many times why i came here i even said how i found this site etc etc...its up to you if you want to believe its as simple as that...funny thing is back when i use to worry this site would off been great for me i wouldnt feel as alone with what i was going through at the time...you say i offer nothing but you have seen just as much as i have that some are glad that im here off course you say im talking bull or something...so much for not repeating yourself huh?

"There are millions of men who dont appear to care about baldness, they dont post on hairloss forums." very true but i told you why im here many times to help others...when i came here (you know why i told you) i saw nothing but doom and gloom so i tried to "bright" it up a bit maybe i failed i dont know some other posts i saw say otherwise...but sorry for caring for the new comers what come here who feel like **** already what come in these forums for some help just to see people going "your social life is doomed women like men with hair blah blah"...sorry for caring.

:bravo: I don't know about others but you, sir, certainly helped me a lot...(your posts and positive attitude and all)


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:bravo: I don't know about others but you, sir, certainly helped me a lot...(your posts and positive attitude and all)

Well thank you talmoode.


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I never enjoyed the chase because it always felt unbecoming of my character as a young man.

Perhaps this is your indication that, right now, it just isn't working out.

Doesn't mean it'll always be that way, however.

It sounds like you're trying too hard, and women aren't stupid. They can tell a "trier" from a mile away. Ironically, as many men are constantly "trying", you're not showing your good qualities by melding yourself into that generic herd.

Strive to do **** that'll make you feel great about yourself in a personal development POV. Chasing girls just serves a higher-level biological function. Take up old hobbies again, or find new ones. Learn a new craft. Enrol in some classes. You'll meet more people, enrich yourself as a person, and network properly. You'll feel good about yourself. Humans are social positive-leaning animals by instinct.

And along the way, you'll find a girl alright. Best of luck on the journey, man.

Appreciate the response dude. The girl made another excuse, as expected. And since this is the worst time of the year to try to get girls, I'm done for now. Hope I can handle being alone for another ____ months/years...:sad:

uncomfortable man

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Sorry to hear bro. You can do everything right and this one little thing will hold you back. Just goes to show how prejudiced some people can be when it comes to hairloss.

Mr White

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[...] I can tell you that yes, I feel like the best years of my life have been robbed from me in someways. [...]

I started losing my hair when I was 17.

And yes, it's terribly unfair but life goes on.

Thank you for your words, they're wise and encouraging.


New Member
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I feel you.

I'm in my mid-20ies and I have heavy depressions because of my balding. I have high hopes into Minoxidil 5% solution and Finasteride. But I'm just at the start. I posted my story here (you can find it through my profile) and it's harsh finding a partner when you're balding.
You radiate a beam negativity about yourself others subconsciously notice, especially women.
I'm glad you could get over your negativity, I was able to do a BIT... tiny bit. I wear hats mainly.

I had vor 10 years only long hair because my hair was starting to get thinner. Now I'm short again. Thanks to Minoxidil, they are shedding (already after 1.5 Month) and some little hairs seem to grow.
I really hope this therapy can help me. I won't stop before I went 1 and a half year with the Minoxidil-/ Finasteride-therapy.
Saw so good results. And a I feel better about myself, knowing, that at least the hairloss has stopped a bit with Finasteride (by percentage from the studies, I should be lucky).

Let's see in a year. I'll update my story about every 2nd month, so maybe there can also be some motivation and help in there for you.

andrew lincoln

I think we need to clarify if he really has very noticeable hairloss first.

what Norwood are you? 2.5?

this "receding line" you have, is it like this?
