Ordering Finasteride Through Keeps..


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I'm a new member here and this is my second post...55 year old male who just finished his 3rd transplant in NY....I had my first back in 07...

I have used Rogaine foam for the better part of 20 years now...I had the typical receeding hairline with thinning in the back when I started losing it around 27 years old....

Drs. tell me that 99% of my hair in the front is transplanted....Still thin in the back and when its all said and done will have around 800 grafts total on the crown when it grows in...

I don't have a ton of hair....Still recede in front, hey I'm 55 and born with a high hairline...

I'm thinking of just going to finasteride as sort of a maintenance now...Rogaine foam to me is kind of messy but acts like a hair thickener if you remember to use it....

Taking a pill is a lot easier in my opinion.....Thinking of ordering from Keeps...They advertise well and it breaks down to 25 a month basically..

Some have mentioned in house pharmacy....Prices I think are around the same...

Anyone use finasteride from Keeps?

I'm 55....Is it worth it now? I Def have the typical male pattern baldness.....


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There’s an app called Lemonaid. Costs $25 and you FaceTime with a doctor. Takes 5 minutes and you can go pick up your prescription the same day. They give you a 1yr script. With my insurance it came out to $11 for 3 months supply