Opinions of bald w/beard look vs. bald and clean shaven or goatee?


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I usually alternate between growing a beard and clean shaven but I actually prefer having a beard as opposed to being bald and clean shaven though my beard comes in blond.

Unfortunately a good number of people seem to feel that growing a beard when bald is "overcompensating."

Just curious on everyone's thoughts on bald w/beard vs bald and clean shaven or goatee.


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Beards look like ****. Ruins your aesthetics. As a bald man you want dimensions, and angularity within the face to make up for the bald head. When you grow a beard with a balding head you essentially look like a egg-potato.

Designer stubble can look good when it's maintained.


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Only men with masculine looking chromes can pull it off. But then again they can rock anything.

Girly looking dudes with weak frames, and structures look comical


My Regimen
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Only men with masculine looking chromes can pull it off. But then again they can rock anything.

Girly looking dudes with weak frames, and structures look comical
i don't see how. i would say its even more important to grow facial hair if you are skinny. you can look rat like if you are bald, skinny and clean shaven. i have that if i shave my face.


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i don't see how. i would say its even more important to grow facial hair if you are skinny. you can look rat like if you are bald, skinny and clean shaven. i have that if i shave my face.

Agree. Beard is better than clean shaven when bald imo. Beard can hide a weak jaw. Makes you look older and more masculine. Clean shaven baby face + balding? You just look ill.


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I think it depends on the person and their own personal style. If I ever go for the bald look I'll definitely have a chin goatee and cool glasses and yes, I'd be compensating.


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I usually alternate between growing a beard and clean shaven but I actually prefer having a beard as opposed to being bald and clean shaven though my beard comes in blond.

Unfortunately a good number of people seem to feel that growing a beard when bald is "overcompensating."

Just curious on everyone's thoughts on bald w/beard vs bald and clean shaven or goatee.

I'd say go for it re: growing a beard. Whoever mentioned 'overcompensating' is definitely overthinking the situation. A bald head partnered with a beard has actually been quite fashionable recently, just make sure that you keep the quality of your beard good. There's no point in committing to a beard if it ends up looking patchy.


This guys doesn't seem to mind



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I think its case by case really. I have a LONG head so when I was shaving my scalp I always preferred keeping my face clean. Some dudes look good with a beard. Also depends on what facial hair you have.


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true its often individual

cypher from the matrix for example is bald and skinny but his facial hair and style is cool imo


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Heavy stubble (5-10 day growth) YES

This will look good as your features are still noticible, but once you have that full heard the skull looks like a fluffy potato-egg.


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I disagree that a bald head looks more like a potato with a beard. It depends on the person and head shape. Some people like myself have younger looking faces regardless of weight and a beard typically helps babyfaced guys look more masculine.

Attached is a pic of a white guy with a beard who doesn't look like a potato/egghead.


  • beard.png
    73.3 KB · Views: 4,702


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LOL. right because most men have such a god tier facial structure like that. Lemme re-arrange my chromosomes so I can have a massive, chin and jaw followed by a square chrome. while im at it, Im going to make eyes look like a hunter, and give myself deep set eye, brow and heavy bridge.

Jeez christ. Talk about extreme examples. That's even considered a beard. Heavy stubble.

Not to mention that guy most likely exercises heavily. I can tell by his facial structure, and leanness . Athletic.

a better example




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Your examples are extreme the other way.

For every bearded guy with a potato or egg head look like the 2 pics that you posted, there are 5 that look fine.
Maybe not great but at least average-looking.


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Your examples are extreme the other way.

For every bearded guy with a potato or egg head look like the 2 pics that you posted, there are 5 that look fine.
Maybe not great but at least average-looking.

its dependent on the effort you put in. Look at the guys who look good in this category. Usually they are tall (less important) and very fit. If you are rocking this look you BETTER work out. Look at the jawline of that guy in the pic 3 posts up. Hes def a fit guy. Look at the neck and shoulders.
The fact is again if you are bald you do DEF have to work harder than the next guy.
Imagine you are in a public place and there is the better looking guy one of the two lesser attractive guys and a pretty girl. both guys go up to her. She will more than not leave and go to another place without handing out her info. If there was an attractive guy with hair theres a better possibility of her giving him a phone number or hanging around to talk.
Bald makes you looks scary, trust me I know. Having that hair makes people look more accepting and friendly.

Also take into consideration photos are HORRIBLE proof. Video is better. Even I can take 1000 photos and find ONE I will post thats looks good. Professional models spend all day to get 1 or 2 good shots. Take a video of yourself and then judge.
Im in a VERY depressed mood from last night. I was playing with the drummer in my 2 piece project and had him video record me playing on my phone so I would not forget a part I constructed to a song. I watched that video and even after my hair transplant was so distraught at the MESS my face has become due to hairloss that I barely have any desire to bother playing out in front of people. Maybe Ill just wear a mask like the Slipknot guys, we play punk anyway.


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I usually alternate between growing a beard and clean shaven but I actually prefer having a beard as opposed to being bald and clean shaven though my beard comes in blond.

Unfortunately a good number of people seem to feel that growing a beard when bald is "overcompensating."

Just curious on everyone's thoughts on bald w/beard vs bald and clean shaven or goatee.

Nothing looks good with a bald head because the bald head is ugly.

Once gone full chrome, one should work on physique and clothes and money.