Only 25, hair falling fast!


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My hair is falling fast in large quantity, I'm only 25 and healthy otherwise.
NO bald people in my family.


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I am desperate and looking for help, I'd be happy to get some useful advice.

I am 25 and my hair falls out with 200-300 pieces every time I wash my hair.

Here's the situation with me...
->>> I'm healthy, don't know of any illness
->>> Doctor said "everything is OK", could not tell me why my hair is falling
->>> My Mom and Dad and their families are good, no hairless people, no baldness as far as I know, so don't think it is genetical...
->>> My hair started falling brutally when I was 18, 19, then it slowed off a bit... At 24,25 it started falling horribly fast. Now I'm almost 26 and worried.
->>> My head itches, so I scratch it quite often
->>> Doctor said there are no problems but my familiy says there are many small red dots on my head's skin...
->>> I wash my hair perhaps 2 times a week. I heard too much washing is quite bad....
->>> I use PC about 10-12 hours a day, sould that be a problem?
->>> I do little exercise, could that be bad for hair?
->>> I eat little meat, very few fruits, perhaps that affects me?
->>> Also going through a lot of stress, fights with people around me, perhaps it also affects me....
->>> But I cannot find any remedy, how can I treat myself???


Thank you so much! :)

Friendly Regards,



Well it sounds like you have male pattern baldness, plain and simple. The scalp problems are just a proof of it, I have continuous scalp tingling too and I'm almost bald at 24...


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Well it sounds like you have male pattern baldness, plain and simple. The scalp problems are just a proof of it, I have continuous scalp tingling too and I'm almost bald at 24...

when did your hair loss start GHG?


RaginDemon said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Well it sounds like you have male pattern baldness, plain and simple. The scalp problems are just a proof of it, I have continuous scalp tingling too and I'm almost bald at 24...

when did your hair loss start GHG?

I have no idea, but I had a decent amount 1.5 yrs ago. I think it started when I was 21-22. Noticed lots of hair falling out after shower, when the hair was really tangly (I had very long hair, way over shoulder length). I thought it was normal. I remember a conversation with my sister when I was 20ish, she just said "how come your forehead is so big, are you balding?" out of the blue. I was like wtf, I'm not balding, my forehead's always been big. And yeah, I was right I still haven't receded.


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Hey, male pattern baldness (Male Pattern Baldness) and "that's it"?

Have you tried anything to make it grow back and/or stop the fallout?

I haven't tried anything and therefore I still hope that it won't continue on like this.
Don't wanna get bald, that's for sure. Not at this age.
Also because nobody in my family is, so cannot find any genetical reason....

Another person says, it could be stress....
I also started having a lot of white hairs, more and more in the last years.
Well, could be stress, but how could I reverse that?

There must be a chemical/nutritive remedy...
I just can't understand why so many people simply accept getting bald.


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get on finasterid 1 mg (propecia or proscar 5mg cut in 1/4)
as shampo buy nizoral with keto 1 or 2 %. It should help the itch, u probably got a litle psoriasis on the scalp.
omega 3 and 6 alsow helps against scalp and itch.
for regrowth i recomand rogain foam or any liquid minoxidil 5%.

GL on youre regiment, its working well for me :punk:

Basil Fawlty

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Kyle, I have just made my first post on these forums so I can't give you much advice, but I would recommend that you seek a good, competent dermatologist and have him check your scalp. He would offer you, I hope, information on your condition and expert advice on possible remedies, which exist. If he's a really good doctor he will deliver the news to you in a good manner, but don't count on it. Their primary responsibility is our bodies, I suppose, and not our emotions. :dunno:

My experience mirrors yours, actually. I absolutely hate and fear the idea of losing hair now, at 24, although I guess I'm starting to come to terms with it. My own family said that there was no history of baldness, but then I found out that some of my uncles from my mother's side lost their hair at old age, so I'm guessing that's the culprit. I too got a few white hairs, but worry not about those. You can always dye hair, it's the growing bit that's difficult!

Again, consulting a dermatologist would be best. Good luck! :)

In the mean time, here is a wiki entry about baldness that is actually informative:


Kyle said:
Hey, male pattern baldness (Male Pattern Baldness) and "that's it"?

Have you tried anything to make it grow back and/or stop the fallout?

I haven't tried anything and therefore I still hope that it won't continue on like this.
Don't wanna get bald, that's for sure. Not at this age.
Also because nobody in my family is, so cannot find any genetical reason....

Another person says, it could be stress....
I also started having a lot of white hairs, more and more in the last years.
Well, could be stress, but how could I reverse that?

There must be a chemical/nutritive remedy...
I just can't understand why so many people simply accept getting bald.

If its purely stress related without male pattern baldness involvement, your hair should return to its normal thickness once the stress problem is sorted out. It could also be male pattern baldness that's triggered by stress. Anyway, I've been using finasteride and minoxidil with no luck whatsoever.


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Thanks for so much help. I am starting to wonder what those strangely-names substances, that you keep mentioning, actually are.
I guess I'm completely new to hair-care products :punk:

Thanks for the help,

And, hey guys, don't give up!


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kyle i suggest you visit your doctor sometime soon. try and get blood work done to make sure everything is OK. try to change your diet, it sounds like yours isnt too good. definitely eat fruit, and while everyone here will say diet does not have an affect on hairloss i believe a poor diet can make things worse. excercise...go for a walk around the block a couple times a week. if you come back from the doctors and everything seems to be fine, get on nizoral and rogaine foam.


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GrowHairGrow is that picture of you on your avatar as I can't see no hair loss. Have you got a more upto date picture.
