onion juice study.................interesting

michael barry

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: J Dermatol. 2002 Jun;29(6):343-6. Related Articles, Links

Onion juice (Allium cepa L.), a new topical treatment for alopecia areata.

Sharquie KE, Al-Obaidi HK.

Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Iraq.

Alopecia areata is a patchy, non-scarring hair loss condition. Any hair-bearing surface may be involved, and different modalities of treatment have been used to induce hair regrowth. This study was designed to test the effectiveness of topical crude onion juice in the treatment of patchy alopecia areata in comparison with tap water. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group [onion juice treated] consisted of 23 patients, 16 males (69.5%) and 7 females (30.5%). Their ages ranged between 5-42 years with a mean of 22.7 years. The second group [control; tap-water-treated] consisted of 15 patients, 8 males (53.3%) and 7 females (46.6%). Their ages ranged between 3-35 years with a mean of 18.3 years. The two groups were advised to apply the treatment twice daily for two months. Re-growth of terminal coarse hairs started after two weeks of treatment with crude onion juice. At four weeks, hair re-growth was seen in 17 patients (73.9%), and, at six weeks, the hair re-growth was observed in 20 patients (86.9%) and was significantly higher among males (93.7%) compared to females (71.4%) P<0.0001. In the tap-water treated-control group, hair re-growth was apparent in only 2 patients (13%) at 8 weeks of treatment with no sex difference. The present study showed that the use of crude onion juice gave significantly higher results with regard to hair re-growth than did tap water (P<0.0001), and that it can be an effective topical therapy for patchy alopecia areata.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Controlled Clinical Trial

PMID: 12126069 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

maybe grandma was right about the apple cider vinegar and the onion juice

michael barry

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if you want to up the anti-androgenic umph of your finasteride, homemade spironolactone can be made cheaply. 60oz of spironolactone needs 18 100mg spironolactone tablets, crushed to a fine powder, put it in a cream like dermovan or a moisturizing cream like cetaphil....................or hell, oil of olay. If you put a couple of drops of something like peppermint schnapps in the mixture, it will make it smell minty, and the solution a little thinner.

I think its best to make about 30 ml (month supply of 1 ml a day) at a time. Keep the spironolactone tablets refrigerated. Finas plus spironolactone together should mean no more recession for the most part. Both of them together would be very strong.


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michael barry said:

if you want to up the anti-androgenic umph of your finasteride, homemade spironolactone can be made cheaply. 60oz of spironolactone needs 18 100mg spironolactone tablets, crushed to a fine powder, put it in a cream like dermovan or a moisturizing cream like cetaphil....................or hell, oil of olay. If you put a couple of drops of something like peppermint schnapps in the mixture, it will make it smell minty, and the solution a little thinner.

I think its best to make about 30 ml (month supply of 1 ml a day) at a time. Keep the spironolactone tablets refrigerated. Finas plus spironolactone together should mean no more recession for the most part. Both of them together would be very strong.

Hmm, that sounds like a really good idea. I think i might use emu oil though, and make only enough each time for my temples. How many capsules would you recommend if i were to do it that way?

michael barry

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Another interpretation of the "onion juice and finasteride" combo could be that its still extremely good to use together. It hit me the other day.

We are concerned with prostate hyperplasia and baldness right? Increased BPH and increased baldness are something that DHT foments.

Look at the prostate weights in this downloadable version of the study on the chart on page 495 (scroll down just a little), http://joe.endocrinology-journals.org/c ... /3/493.pdf

We see quercitin alone actually increased the wet prostate weight in a dose dependent fashion. Thats scary. However, the one milligram finasteride dose lowered it from the control weights of 455, down to 332.

The highest quercetin dose seen the prostate weight alone go up to 474. So one would think that quercitin would lessen finasteride's effectiveness, but thats not what the chart says........................................................................................................................................look what happened,
The weights decreased down to 310

332 with finasteride (prostate weight) is almost a third higher than 235

Perhaps using the ol' onion juice on the head really would be good with the finasteride after all. Maybe the increase in serum DHT is from the fact that androgen receptors all over the little animals body are becoming less active or some arent cycling into existence so the critter has less of them, so the 10 percent of type 2 dht still being made has nowhere to bind, thus there is more of it in the animals blood levels. We are only concerned with the animals "binding" dht at the receptor sites, and by the prostate weight, about a third less of this is happening when quercetin is used with fiansteride. Used alone, querecitin actuall increased the prostae weight. I can make no sense of that, but there it is.

But we have an alopecia areata study that showed onion juice really helped it..........................go figure.

Armando Jose

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In nthis study:
"Re-growth of terminal coarse hairs started after two weeks of treatment with crude onion juice"

I think this short time is too aweful.



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not too short for the treatment of alopecia areata rather than male pattern baldness. possible to see benefits in that short a time.

michael barry

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quercitin inhibits protien kinase C. It also inhibits another pathway with a long name.

Grape seed proanthocyandins also inhibit Protien Kinease C.

Given how BPH and male pattern baldness are associated, If I had to guess, adding onion juice to the head (especially with apple cider vinegar and perhaps a little beer), might be helpful


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michael barry said:
quercitin inhibits protien kinase C. It also inhibits another pathway with a long name.

Grape seed proanthocyandins also inhibit Protien Kinease C.

Given how BPH and male pattern baldness are associated, If I had to guess, adding onion juice to the head (especially with apple cider vinegar and perhaps a little beer), might be helpful

Onions, apple cider, and beer... I wonder what that mix smells like? :D :x :D


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when i first noticed my hair loss i asked my barber if he recommended anything and he told me that five years ago he started loosing his hair and juiced an onion and garlic and he put it in his hair and in a few months his hair loss stopped and he grew back all his lost hair. however, he did not have male pattern baldness he had the alopecia areatea where he had dime size bald spots all over his head. anyway i tried the onion juice method at first but it made my head smell terrible and i was forced to stop. even if it worked there is no way anyone could stand the smell from the onion juice