on propecia, need advice!!!!


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hey guys,

alright, im 24 year old male, im a professional musician, so when my hair started thinning about a year ago, i became obsessed. finally home from tour I went to the doctor (dr karamikian), who put me on propecia, said there was nothing i could really do, i had some thinning but it wasnt noticable. anyway, that was in oct, so since then ive been taking propecia everyday, but in the last month ive noticed so much shedding, and my hair just feels different. Its gotten to the point where my girlfriend is so sick of hearing about it we get in fights over it. im just at a loss of who to speak to you know? i just want some honest answers, my girlfriend wont tell me she thinks my hairs falling out, since what would that do, so i dont know, Im just posting these pictures, and maybe you guys can give me some honest feedback. I know my hair isnt at that point where its noticable to other people, but its thinner than it was last summer. please, just take a min and look at my photos, i know maybe some of you will say im crazy, i just need to talk to someone, and in this case, the someone is all of you (hopefully)

thanks in advance guys,
im driving myself insane.
as im sure you all understand

i tried adding these pics, but they didnt come up, so i just included the links

hairline. so this is kind of funny, but when i was 6 i split my head open, and got that scar, its basically a ruler, hah. so i can see where my hair has gone. my hair used to cover more than half of that scar, say maybe 5 years ago.

with my hair pulled back tightly. my problem is ive become so sickly obsessed, i just dont know whats normal anymore.

back with flash

back without flash

i know that when my hairs down, it seems full and normal, its whats going on underneith and what i feel when i run my hands through my hair thats driving me crazy.

my hairline in the right hand photo, you can see has receded much more than the left, is that normal? [/img]


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why hello :)

first of all, your hair looks great. And you're right, no one will be able to tell you're losing it. It looks very thick. My loss is considerably worse than yours and people think *I'm* mad when I moan about my hair falling out.

The vertex area looks like it *may* be losing some but it's so hard to tell; some people's hair just sits like that.

Your hairline's not too bad either. It's normal to have one side higher than the other, I have that too. (Maybe it's the side you sleep on? Who knows).

Propecia WILL help you. It will stop completely or significantly slow down any hair loss. Keep taking it!

Any shedding you are incurring, is a GOOD sign. Those hairs will grow back stronger and thicker :)

Just relax and try very hard not to think about it, stress isn't going to help. You really shouldn't be worried!


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Your hair doesn't look too bad at all! Even with the flash it seems okay to me. But yeah, you probably are seeing the first signs of male pattern baldness, but I doubt most people would notice it the way it is.

I started Propecia in late November and have been shedding pretty damn bad. :( I've got quite long hair like yourself, and the thought of going bald is driving me f*****g mad.

I don't if it's just because I've been on Propecia for 3 1/2 months and the shed hasn't filled in yet, but it seems like it's getting worse. I'm seriously thinking about trying minoxidil though I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. :/


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thanks so much guys, ive been taking propecia for 5 months, and will continue to, hopefully i can put this off for a while. i dont mind being a bald scruffy dad, thats just fine.

its being a 25 year old guitar player touring england with no hair that sounds awful

thanks alot for the replys guys, and goodluck with everything


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Your hair looks fine to me. But you know your own hair so at least youve caught it very early.
What band do you play in?


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it looks like you saw it early, thats good, sheds are normal, uguly that means that it will come back stronger.. just hold on the whole year, to see the effects.
And then you get to see if you need to add or make changes to youre regiment. Or if it will hold on finasterid
Good luck


Well, you have hairline recession, maybe just a mature hairline since the rest of your hair is still rather thick. You are doing the right thing by preventing further loss through Finasteride. Good Luck mate! And feel free to come here and post about your hair when you have the desire to do so. We all know how you feel and will give you support when you need it!