On dutasteride, will extra T from lifting cause Gyno?


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What do you think? If I do compound lifts is this likely? Thing is used to do just the lifts and no cardio to keep in shape, because my job is very active.


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will extra testosterone from lifting cause gyno? yeah, good excuse not to go to the gym. Doing steroids will give you gyno.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
will extra testosterone from lifting cause gyno? yeah, good excuse not to go to the gym. Doing steroids will give you gyno.

damn, you rumbled me! Ok, it's just that without lifting ( I was about 8 months in then stopped, no excuses - just like drinking too much)I had the tingling sensation in the pec, which seems to have improved. Last thing I want is excess T that getting converted to estrogen. Do you see my logic? I definetely won't being going near roids anyway, dutasteride or not.