omarrodriguez's story - (age 25th,Hair Loss!!!)


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

i think you have diffuse patterned alopecia.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Can't blame you for choosing your general health above your hair. Revivogen doesn't seem to give any side effects, at least as long as you are careful to wait at least 3 hours before applying any other topical (like rogaine). Toppik seems to work well for me, the few times I experimented with it. I notice people on here can't seem to agree on which concealer is the best one, though, so you may have to experiment with different concealers if you're unsatisified. Some people use Dermmatch/Couvre and Toppik in combination.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Norsk said:
Can't blame you for choosing your general health above your hair. Revivogen doesn't seem to give any side effects, at least as long as you are careful to wait at least 3 hours before applying any other topical (like rogaine). Toppik seems to work well for me, the few times I experimented with it. I notice people on here can't seem to agree on which concealer is the best one, though, so you may have to experiment with different concealers if you're unsatisified. Some people use Dermmatch/Couvre and Toppik in combination.

Trying to keep health number 1! So are you saying that you are supposed to apply Rogaine at least 3 hours before applying Revivogen?? From everyone else that I have talked to about this matter, they have all proposed to put Rogaine on first (still not sure how long before Revivogen - anyone that could shed some light on this would be great) before putting on Revivogen and keeping that on for the remainder of the night. Then wash it out the next morning and apply first round of Rogaine then. And then continue with the cycle.....


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Ian Curtis said:
You say you're susceptible to viruses and allergies,well,I have allergies along with allergic rinitis and some sinusitis and nasal polyps,which are inconvinient because these made my nose get larger(Im hoping to get under the knife to get rid of the sleeping and breathing problems and the large nose of course :thumbdown2: )...I also have a couple of colds and flu during the winter but I dont have sides from finasteride.
Allergies and predisposal to viruses have nothing to do with suffering from sides.
You are absolutely right, they have nothing to do with getting sides. I was just trying to make a lofty argument that my body is actually very weak in other regards. I know this does not give me any predisposition to sides but weird things all my life have happened to me. For instance I had a tonsilllecttomy a few years back and I have suffered from a complete lack of tasting sweet any more. Somehow my sweet taste buds were damaged through process. (Trust me this really sucks, especially if you are like me who has an insane sweet tooth!!) Some of the prestigous doctors have told me that they have not seen this side effect ever occur in their patenits and other have said it occurs in less than 1% of the population. So I have just have weird luck about these things.

Ian Curtis said:
This is the study where you can see the percentage of sides on ppl.
Also,when starting rogaine you get an initial shed which can be very scary,especially bcuz you have to use rogaine on a large area...if your concerned about finasteride effects why arent you concerned about rogaine effects?
You can see my full response to another individual on why I refuse to take finasteride here:

The sides from Rogaine are not even to as close as severe as the sides from finasteride.

Below is my response to a question similar to yours about taking finasteride and its effects:

You say that finasteride is the only viable option, but what about revivogen, which has proven through its own studies to reduce scalp DHT @ 90% as opposed to finasteride's 67% DHT reduction. To me this seems like a much more viable option, since sides are not an issue, (or not as bad as an issue as with finasteride users). The reason why I so call "assume" that I might develop sides from using finasteride is the same reason that you "assume" that the alleged Merck's so-called 2% is an accurate depiction of how many individuals do experience these sides. In real life, who knows what the actual numbers are, just from perusing this site and, finasteride seems to cause some very major problems. That is also not taking into consideration the number of individuals who have not even come out and disclosed their issues with finasteride products, who knows how many individuals those are. And you say that these sides are temporary, im sure the individuals on would beg to differ.

Let's really break down the mechanisms of action of this drug, as it inhibits more than just DHT, shrinks your prostate, messes with neurosteroid production in the brain, can cause gynecomastia and other issues (ie depression) that Merck did not disclose. These are just a few of the sides that can occur in addition to:
* Loss of Libido/Sex Drive
* Erectile Dysfunction
* Loss of Morning / Spontaneous / Nocturnal Erections
* Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, curving, numbness, wrinkled)
* Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
* Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
* Forgetfullness (can't recall names, places etc) / Losing Train of Thought
* Stumbling over Words / Getting Tongue Tied
* Lack of Motivation
* Penis Feels "disconnected" from head or body
* Watery Ejaculate
* Reduced Ejaculate
* Inability to Ejaculate / Orgasm
* Testicular Pain
* Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
* Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
* Persistent or Unexplainable Fatigue
* Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
* Weight Gain

Some of the less common side effects experienced are:
* Blurry vision/acuity decrease
* Lowered body temperature / decreased metabolism
* Decreased Immunity
* Enlarged Prostate (via increased Estrogens after Finasteride use)
* Penile tissue scarring/Peyronie's Disease (this has been confirmed with ultrasounds, by a quite a few Finasteride sufferers, and ultrasounds and Dr. Irwin Goldstein has confirmed that it is possible)
* Lack of blood flow to the penis (confirmed by numerous Urologists)
* Dry/Dark circles under eyes (unknown how Finasteride causes this but reported by many users)
* Pancreatitis (confirmed in a research report from Taiwan)
* Liver damage (elevated AST/ALT levels)
* Muscle Wasting (due to low T levels)

So once again you can tell me this is the most effective drug out there, but at my age, sorry I REFUSE to take that risk! If this is working for you great, I have already read from individuals how taking it after 2,3,4,5,7 up to 10 years have now just started experiencing or are still experiencing sides from this drug. No Thanks...I think im better off with out it, I do not want to be like 22 - 50 year old individuals that i have read about that want to smash their cars into trees to end their lives because their lives have been ruined from finasteride. Hopefully that answers your question.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

omarrodriguez said:
Let's really break down the mechanisms of action of this drug, as it inhibits more than just DHT, shrinks your prostate, messes with neurosteroid production in the brain, can cause gynecomastia and other issues (ie depression) that Merck did not disclose. These are just a few of the sides that can occur in addition to:
* Loss of Libido/Sex Drive
* Erectile Dysfunction
* Loss of Morning / Spontaneous / Nocturnal Erections
* Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, curving, numbness, wrinkled)
* Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
* Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
* Forgetfullness (can't recall names, places etc) / Losing Train of Thought
* Stumbling over Words / Getting Tongue Tied
* Lack of Motivation
* Penis Feels "disconnected" from head or body
* Watery Ejaculate
* Reduced Ejaculate
* Inability to Ejaculate / Orgasm
* Testicular Pain
* Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
* Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
* Persistent or Unexplainable Fatigue
* Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
* Weight Gain

Some of the less common side effects experienced are:
* Blurry vision/acuity decrease
* Lowered body temperature / decreased metabolism
* Decreased Immunity
* Enlarged Prostate (via increased Estrogens after Finasteride use)
* Penile tissue scarring/Peyronie's Disease (this has been confirmed with ultrasounds, by a quite a few Finasteride sufferers, and ultrasounds and Dr. Irwin Goldstein has confirmed that it is possible)
* Lack of blood flow to the penis (confirmed by numerous Urologists)
* Dry/Dark circles under eyes (unknown how Finasteride causes this but reported by many users)
* Pancreatitis (confirmed in a research report from Taiwan)
* Liver damage (elevated AST/ALT levels)
* Muscle Wasting (due to low T levels)

So once again you can tell me this is the most effective drug out there, but at my age, sorry I REFUSE to take that risk! If this is working for you great, I have already read from individuals how taking it after 2,3,4,5,7 up to 10 years have now just started experiencing or are still experiencing sides from this drug. No Thanks...I think im better off with out it, I do not want to be like 22 - 50 year old individuals that i have read about that want to smash their cars into trees to end their lives because their lives have been ruined from finasteride. Hopefully that answers your question.



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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

That list is enough to scare me off the drug...


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Can someone with some knowledge in this area please tell me if the list that omarrodriguez put down about finasteride side effects is to be taking seriously or not.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Anyone? Lol.

Ian Curtis

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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

omarrodriguez said:
Ian Curtis said:
You say you're susceptible to viruses and allergies,well,I have allergies along with allergic rinitis and some sinusitis and nasal polyps,which are inconvinient because these made my nose get larger(Im hoping to get under the knife to get rid of the sleeping and breathing problems and the large nose of course :thumbdown2: )...I also have a couple of colds and flu during the winter but I dont have sides from finasteride.
Allergies and predisposal to viruses have nothing to do with suffering from sides.
You are absolutely right, they have nothing to do with getting sides. I was just trying to make a lofty argument that my body is actually very weak in other regards. I know this does not give me any predisposition to sides but weird things all my life have happened to me. For instance I had a tonsilllecttomy a few years back and I have suffered from a complete lack of tasting sweet any more. Somehow my sweet taste buds were damaged through process. (Trust me this really sucks, especially if you are like me who has an insane sweet tooth!!) Some of the prestigous doctors have told me that they have not seen this side effect ever occur in their patenits and other have said it occurs in less than 1% of the population. So I have just have weird luck about these things.

[quote="Ian Curtis":3msabcpo]
This is the study where you can see the percentage of sides on ppl.
Also,when starting rogaine you get an initial shed which can be very scary,especially bcuz you have to use rogaine on a large area...if your concerned about finasteride effects why arent you concerned about rogaine effects?
You can see my full response to another individual on why I refuse to take finasteride here:

The sides from Rogaine are not even to as close as severe as the sides from finasteride.

Below is my response to a question similar to yours about taking finasteride and its effects:

You say that finasteride is the only viable option, but what about revivogen, which has proven through its own studies to reduce scalp DHT @ 90% as opposed to finasteride's 67% DHT reduction. To me this seems like a much more viable option, since sides are not an issue, (or not as bad as an issue as with finasteride users). The reason why I so call "assume" that I might develop sides from using finasteride is the same reason that you "assume" that the alleged Merck's so-called 2% is an accurate depiction of how many individuals do experience these sides. In real life, who knows what the actual numbers are, just from perusing this site and, finasteride seems to cause some very major problems. That is also not taking into consideration the number of individuals who have not even come out and disclosed their issues with finasteride products, who knows how many individuals those are. And you say that these sides are temporary, im sure the individuals on would beg to differ.

Let's really break down the mechanisms of action of this drug, as it inhibits more than just DHT, shrinks your prostate, messes with neurosteroid production in the brain, can cause gynecomastia and other issues (ie depression) that Merck did not disclose. These are just a few of the sides that can occur in addition to:
* Loss of Libido/Sex Drive
* Erectile Dysfunction
* Loss of Morning / Spontaneous / Nocturnal Erections
* Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, curving, numbness, wrinkled)
* Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
* Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
* Forgetfullness (can't recall names, places etc) / Losing Train of Thought
* Stumbling over Words / Getting Tongue Tied
* Lack of Motivation
* Penis Feels "disconnected" from head or body
* Watery Ejaculate
* Reduced Ejaculate
* Inability to Ejaculate / Orgasm
* Testicular Pain
* Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
* Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
* Persistent or Unexplainable Fatigue
* Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
* Weight Gain

Some of the less common side effects experienced are:
* Blurry vision/acuity decrease
* Lowered body temperature / decreased metabolism
* Decreased Immunity
* Enlarged Prostate (via increased Estrogens after Finasteride use)
* Penile tissue scarring/Peyronie's Disease (this has been confirmed with ultrasounds, by a quite a few Finasteride sufferers, and ultrasounds and Dr. Irwin Goldstein has confirmed that it is possible)
* Lack of blood flow to the penis (confirmed by numerous Urologists)
* Dry/Dark circles under eyes (unknown how Finasteride causes this but reported by many users)
* Pancreatitis (confirmed in a research report from Taiwan)
* Liver damage (elevated AST/ALT levels)
* Muscle Wasting (due to low T levels)

So once again you can tell me this is the most effective drug out there, but at my age, sorry I REFUSE to take that risk! If this is working for you great, I have already read from individuals how taking it after 2,3,4,5,7 up to 10 years have now just started experiencing or are still experiencing sides from this drug. No Thanks...I think im better off with out it, I do not want to be like 22 - 50 year old individuals that i have read about that want to smash their cars into trees to end their lives because their lives have been ruined from finasteride. Hopefully that answers your question.[/quote:3msabcpo]

That list is scary,but if I ever experience side effects I really hope it is just lack of libido, which can be easily fixed, and obviously I would lower my dosage of finasteride to 1.25mg.
About the guy smashing his car into a tree, it is because of depression, social anxiety and shyness.I dont think you will ever find here anyone who will try to kill themselves because they allege they have finasteride depression.

Anyway revivogen sounds like a good product but it can only do as much...finasteride would cut much of the dht problem from the inside,being far more effective than a shampoo which stays for no more than 5 minutes in your skin a couple of times per week.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

been on propecia (name brand $74/month) coming up on 3 months now (i am 26) - no sides whatsoever. popping the little pill each day is so easy and my hair is looking better already.

good luck with your regimen omar!

Ian Curtis

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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

treeshrew said:
been on propecia (name brand $74/month) coming up on 3 months now (i am 26) - no sides whatsoever. popping the little pill each day is so easy and my hair is looking better already.

good luck with your regimen omar!

dude,buy generic.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

nope. it's all about peace of mind for me, plus i can afford it. but thanks for the suggestion, dude.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Yes but the majority are'nt.


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

Ian Curtis said:
About the guy smashing his car into a tree, it is because of depression, social anxiety and shyness.I dont think you will ever find here anyone who will try to kill themselves because they allege they have finasteride depression.

Anyway revivogen sounds like a good product but it can only do as much...finasteride would cut much of the dht problem from the inside,being far more effective than a shampoo which stays for no more than 5 minutes in your skin a couple of times per week.

Yea, I also believe it is pretty ridiculous to smash your car into a tree, I was just trying to prove a point to someone. I really dont give a sh*t if my head turned into a cueball, I would never do such a thing.

As for the revivogen, you keep on over night so hopefully that absorbtion process occuring daily will have a simliar effect to Propecia.

treeshrew said:
good luck with your regimen omar!

Thanks treeshrew! Just recieved my Revivogen yesterday, will start tonight....cross your fingers guys!! :jump: Hopefully this will prove fruitful...Ill keep everyone updated in a few!


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Re: Help! Need Advice - 25th Bday - Hair Loss!!!

You know what I haven't had in awhile?