Old Form Of Wounding Making A Return? - "cupping" (olympics Michael Phelps)


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Wounding as a way to promote healing and blood flow has been discussed in the medical field for awhile now and we have members here who have used derma-rolling to enhance certain treatments.

Over the past 24 hours the media covering the Olympics have made a big deal (at least in the US) about the "purple circles" around US Olympic Swimmer Michael Phelps - see attached picture. Apparently a new trend athletes are doing is using suction cups to promote healing. From what I've read the suction cups pull the skin off the muscles and also bring blood to the surface which promotes healing.

Not really expecting anyone to do this to their head lol but just curious to get peoples' opinions on this.


Admittedly it's pretty gross looking.


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I am going to shave my head and have girls give me hickeys on my bald scalp!! I will update with results in 3-4 months. :D


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I am going to shave my head and have girls give me hickeys on my bald scalp!! I will update with results in 3-4 months. :D
Hahaha if it worked we'd all do it!

Like I said above I don't expect anyone to do this but it's just interesting to see wounding as a way to promote healing on such a large stage (Olympics) especially with all of Follica's research on wounding.


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Hahaha if it worked we'd all do it!

Like I said above I don't expect anyone to do this but it's just interesting to see wounding as a way to promote healing on such a large stage (Olympics) especially with all of Follica's research on wounding.

it is amazing!! I just wonder if the overall inflammation is good for the follicles, or just the surrounding tissues. We tend to avoid inflammation and fibrosis when it comes to hair growth, no? I am wondering the same for dermarolling. I am considering only gently using a .5mm roller for absorption of topicals and not so much wounding. whatcha think Blackber?


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it is amazing!! I just wonder if the overall inflammation is good for the follicles, or just the surrounding tissues. We tend to avoid inflammation and fibrosis when it comes to hair growth, no? I am wondering the same for dermarolling. I am considering only gently using a .5mm roller for absorption of topicals and not so much wounding. whatcha think Blackber?
I've never tried dermarolling but it seems like some forum members have had good success using it to enhance other treatments. It does seem to make sense, but I am definitely not one of the more scientifically inclined people on this forum, I just try to be a voice of reason.

One of the things I hate most about male pattern baldness is the inflammation/itchiness I feel. People can tell you to "ignore it" all they want but when you feel your scalp is on fire all day long it's hard to ignore.....never mind the hair falling all over the place.

God this disease sucks....


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It's not that crazy, but you can't have suction in hairy areas so it would not work unless you shaved down slick
Agreed it was something I just found interesting that's all. Not only do we talk about wounding a lot on this forum but we also discuss how male pattern baldness suffers' scalp skin gets very tight and hard and maybe something like this could help deter that since your pulling the skin up via suction.


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One of the things I hate most about male pattern baldness is the inflammation/itchiness I feel. People can tell you to "ignore it" all they want but when you feel your scalp is on fire all day long it's hard to ignore.....never mind the hair falling all over the place.

God this disease sucks....

I think the sensations are the worst part of male pattern baldness for me, seriously. I never got them until I used finasteride. Three months after starting (last march) it just felt like termites crawling under my scalp, especially in the crown. It has not ceased since. every night and at times through out the day - wherever I am balding the most, I get these horrendous feelings. I don't think it's the actual feeling that bother us so much, rather what they are an indication of. :(


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How "proven" is wounding re: hair growth? I had a very small skin growth on my hip that was sliced off a while ago, and ever since then I have two very strong hairs growing from the removal area - an island in an otherwise completely hairless area. Just wanted to share that anecdote that, as a balding guy, has always made me think.


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I think the sensations are the worst part of male pattern baldness for me, seriously. I never got them until I used finasteride. Three months after starting (last march) it just felt like termites crawling under my scalp, especially in the crown. It has not ceased since. every night and at times through out the day - wherever I am balding the most, I get these horrendous feelings. I don't think it's the actual feeling that bother us so much, rather what they are an indication of. :(
I feel your pain man. Truly is "death by 1,000 cuts".


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it is amazing!! I just wonder if the overall inflammation is good for the follicles, or just the surrounding tissues. We tend to avoid inflammation and fibrosis when it comes to hair growth, no? I am wondering the same for dermarolling. I am considering only gently using a .5mm roller for absorption of topicals and not so much wounding. whatcha think Blackber?

Dermarolling removes fibrosis, but I would think doing it where there is none could actually create fibrosis.


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Cupping as it is called produces no more than a placebo effect. Useless really....