Ok So It Seems That I Respond To The minoxidil + finasteride Question


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First of all hello to everybody. I finally decided to set up an account after about a year of lurking here.

First things first: I am 22yo

I always had and i guess i still have ridiculously thick hair (like the jewfro type when you run your hand trought it and it will remain in position till the late night)

I noticed something is not ok with my temples and namely the right one about a year ago.

Nothing much has changed since but when I look at some photos from 2k15 my hair was defi in better condition and hairline appeard to be much more straight.

My father looks like Broden from Aunty Donna in his 45s

Nobody else from my family is as far with balding as him. I mean my mother's father has the best hair ive ever seen on somebody that is in his 70s. He looks like Paul McCartney in the gold days of Beatles.

My head shape is weird. Like narrow but it looks like the Indiana Jones alien skulls from profile.

Never had the typical male pattern baldness itch nor some heavy shedding. I used to have either dandruff or dry scalp causing flakes not sure which one is which. Everything is ok for about a year now.

I am on minoxidil for about 7 weeks now. I guess i am going throught the shed because there is always some hair around when i touch my head. My temple peaks looks much better then when i started. It is also growing my beard finally as i never was able to get over the pencil moustache stage (this is a sign of low T innt?) But what is weird is that my bodyhair went places since i am like 14. I can rock an combover on my legs and if I ever will need hair transplant i am opting for a bodyhair to save my donor are for later really.

I am trying to get my hands on finasteride. It is a bit complicated in my country as there is no such thing as a specialized Doctor for hairloss anywhere around. You have to get it prescribed from your urologist and it is a pain in the *** as they are often aware of sides and basically are against prescribing it to the young people. It is also hella expensive which leads to the last thing.

I would like to microdose. Mainly because of the price the fact that the response is flat and because i want to get satureted with the antiandrogens continuously. I see it as the main culprit of problems to shock your body with something that kills 80%+ of the hormone. I know that 0.25mg is almost same as the 1mg and 0.05mg is moreless useless so ive been thinking about starting with 0.1mg. Basically will dissolve one proscar in 50ml of booze and then dose 1ml 2 or 3 times per week.

Do you think that this could be a good start?

And sorry for my not so perfect English
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Cant really post imgur galleries for some reason so please delete the spaces

h tt p://im gur. com/a/Z11Ml

7 weeks of minoxidil + How my hair looks naturally
h tt p://im gur.com/a/RjanD