Ok on PROSCAR 1.25mg for 2 and half months...


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And I havent seen any change, The bald spot on the top of my head seems to of gotten worse.

and I shed hairs in the shower still.

Doesnt seem to work no side effects... but its approaching the 3 month mark and if you havent seen a difference by then you should quit correct?


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/\ Truth. You need to wait much longer. And having no side effects doesn't mean it's not working. Don't expect side effects, or you'll get them. =p


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Shedding hair is natural. Even people with 0 hair loss shed hairs. Finasteride is pushing out the old hairs and growing them stronger. I'm only a few months into my regimen, but a lot of people talk about periodic sheds years into their finasteride usage. Shedding is usually a sign of progress, so keep with it.