Ok,Here starts my fight against balding and I need inputs


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Finally after almost 8 years I have to realise the fact that I AM LOSING HAIR. Its almost like I was blind for 8 yrs. And now at 26 I open my eyes.

I know I have to get on the big three sooner or later but I need some time to come to accpept the fact that I may soon be changing my complete system. So I am planning to start with some easy ones which I think may be effective, thanks to all the views that helpful folks like you have out in here and I really appreciate this.

I need some more info from you. Please try to reply and thanks in advance for all your help.

1. Where should I get my green tea capsules from and which one ?

2. Biotin -- I know may not be effective but atleast no side effects. Again, same question ? Where and what should I buy?

3. Zix -- I have not heard much about this in this dicussion board? Why ? coz its not effective or complete....blah..

4. Does laser comb help ? If yes, which one is the best ?

Once again, Thanks much for reading this and for the replies.

I know I can Google for these. But I want answers from experienced, unbiased and helpful users like you.



Senior Member
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Propecia (finasteride).

Rogaine (minoxidil).

Nizoral (ketoconazole).


The Big 3

If you want to overkill and virtually destroy your male pattern baldness, look at my regimen.


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Since you posted this in the herb and vitamin section of the forum I will address your inquiry accordingly.

I would add flax SDG to your regimen unless you are planning on getting on propecia even then I would consider keeping it. If you are going to go on propecia I would make sure to take DIM.

One of the better places is http://www.vitacost.com. They usually have great prices across the boards. You might be able to find some things cheaper elsewhere but this place is a great start.


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sublime -> Thanks much I am looking into SDG, sounds really great. Atleast the way that it does not have any side defects.

Can others Please answer my other questions. I am really looking to get onto green tea capsules and also on the laser comb. Please help.

Thanks much


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Alrite Guys, Thanks for all the inputs..After reading and reading and more reading, I have hesitantly concluded that I will stick to herbs for a few months...The thought of just having Propecia has already effected my Libido. Damn, Only the thought of taking it has already killed my sex drive...I am a pussy, I think :(

Anyways, so here is what I decided....

1. Be on Immortal Hairs top6 ( atleast top 3 )
2. Try getting Zix solutin ready and start on that.

Now guys, If any of you are already on this, I know some of you are,

Please can you tell me where you order your stuff from. there are so many places to buy these things and price varies. I know you must be getting the best product/price and hence I want inputs from you. Please update us on your sources.
