Oily Scalp


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Sorry for posting new threads one after another, but I am doing something about my hair this week because its starting to become a reocurring worry.

My scalp has gotten oily in the last couple years, is this due to horomones, or is it something that regularly happens with male pattern baldness?

I'm thinking about getting nizoral because I have mild flakes.. will it aid in my oily scalp?

Does an oily scalp prohibit new hairs from blossoming?

Nixon's Head

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Oil production is controled by hormonal activity. Nothing else. male pattern baldness is generally thought to be slightly more common in men with oily scalps (and I do mean only slightly more common) because the sebacceous glands produce the oil, which contains testosterone and DHT(DHT, the bad thing that makes you loss your hair, is produced by the 5AR enzyme converting testosterone into DHT). On the skin there are also more 5AR enzymes that convert more of that testosterone into even more DHT. But hairloss is a very intricate, complex process that is wound up in biology and chemestry and has many contribiting processes.
Regarding Nizoral and reduction in scalp oil. Nizoral A-D shampoo reducess scalp oil 6.54%. It should help your flakes if you have true dandruff.

Nixon's Head

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Since you have oilly scalp the best way to control it would be to wash you hair as often as you want to get to the level of dryness that you want. There is no problem with washing twice a day or so just as long as you wash with a gentle shampoo. You could try the TRESSemme european vitamin c deep cleaning shampoo for those times when you are not using Nizoral (which you should be using 3 times a week or so). It is cheap ($2.70 for 32oz at wallmart) and will not cause build up.