Oh f***!!! I didnt realize my hairloss was sooo bad...(pics)

James Cole

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Well I just took this pic yesterday, how bad do you consider my hairloss?

This pic is after applying DNC, how do you get it into the scalp witout touching your hair?

I never realized it was this bad I mean I am pretty close to going bald...

Let me know your toughts...



Senior Member
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Hey mate,
for the record, you're not anywhere close to becoming bald. Once you apply Spectral DNC, you're likely to undergo shedding of somesort. Combine this new loss of hair with a liquid, and your hair is going to appear much thinner.

Just ride it out. I hope you talk to your doctor about getting on Propecia. Spectral DNC won't do much for you over the long haul. Propecia is excellent at battling male pattern baldness at its cause.

Oh yeah, and goodluck!


Established Member
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Yeah it is getting thin up there. Well, the Spec DNC should thicken up the crown, I imagine. But if you want to keep what you've got, as Afunk said, you're going to need a DHT inhibitor....that's finasteride or dutasteride.

Good luck.

James Cole

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I understand you guys referring me to dutas or finasteride, but what keeps me away from it is that I don't want to mess that much with my body and most people just never see results or just keep what they got at best.

I believe that if you are a responder to treatment with a good shampoo and minoxidil, it should work, but thats only if your body is not fully dedided at going bald, because if it is, then finasteride or not you are going to be bald anyway.

Thats my opinion and I could be wrong.

Also someone close to me recommended a morning beverage consisting of 1 beet and 4 carrots, the reasoning behind this is that supposedly our hair needs a lot of glucose and protein and this beverage supplies the required glucose... I could be wrong on that too and I have only started drinking it since Wednesday.

But she said that her hair stopped falling dramatically and the hairs that did fell had a very thick white lobe at the bottom compared to the small winsy lobe that the fallen hairs had before implementing the beverage into her diet.


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James Cole said:
I understand you guys referring me to dutas or finasteride, but what keeps me away from it is that I don't want to mess that much with my body and most people just never see results or just keep what they got at best.

I think you'll find that they keep what they've got at *worst*, not best. Here's a guy who's hair state is similar to yours and regrew some, on finasteride only:


James Cole said:
I believe that if you are a responder to treatment with a good shampoo and minoxidil, it should work, but thats only if your body is not fully dedided at going bald, because if it is, then finasteride or not you are going to be bald anyway.

Thats my opinion and I could be wrong.

Responder to what treatment? You mean minoxidil? It's just a growth stimulant, nothing else. The thing is, if your follicles are sensitive to dht, which yours blatantly are, they are going to be hammered by the stuff whether you use minoxidil or not. You will eventually lose the battle; minoxidil will become less and less effective, and if you stop using it you might be shocked to find that the majority of your hair is completely dependent on it - and guess what happens when you stop?

I understand your apprehension, I didn't want to touch finasteride either at first.

If you're decided tho, at least use Nizoral/Revita and look into a topical dht inhibitor. because blocking dht really is the backbone of any hairloss treatment.

good luck


James Cole said:
I believe that if you are a responder to treatment with a good shampoo and minoxidil, it should work, but thats only if your body is not fully dedided at going bald, because if it is, then finasteride or not you are going to be bald anyway.


I think this is wrong, DHT Inhibitors can actually save your hair even if your genes say otherwise. If not they will at least slow down and buy you some time until better treatments come out. I am still hoping for dutasteride to save it for me.

In general I would say that your hair is bad, but there are definetly many worse than you on HairLossTalk.com. So, don´t give up hope. Spectral or the foam are excellent for your problem areas! Good Luck, mate!


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UH..you have hairloss? Where? That looks normal to me. I went to a dermatologist for that same thing and he said it was normal for it to appear a little thin back there due to the way hair grows form that central vertex area. My hair is dark brown and it seems to show my swirl a little more as with dark headed persons so what I use, since my derm refused to help me, is I just sprinkle some toppik back there to darken my swirl. Amazing how that sh*t works. As far as vitamins, I take a multivitamin and biotin which is good for hair and nails. I dont know about the beets and carrot thing. Just eat more veggies I guess. Your hair looks good and next time your out, look around at childrens vertex areas and even women have that kind of seemingly thin pattern back there.


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Yeah he's definitely thinning. Front and back, similar pattern to me but nowhere near as advanced.

It's not so bad that anyone would notice, as long as you style it right.

James Cole

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I was looking on a zoom enhanced mirror at my temples today and guess what??? Pores with little yellow hair came out of nowhere... Is this a sing that I am growing back some hair? I am totally positive those pores and hairs weren't there...


James Cole said:
I was looking on a zoom enhanced mirror at my temples today and guess what??? Pores with little yellow hair came out of nowhere... Is this a sing that I am growing back some hair? I am totally positive those pores and hairs weren't there...

Well, could be miniaturized hairs as well......


Established Member
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Looks normal to me.

Maybe a little thinning, but its hard to say if its from male pattern baldness or just a cowlick. I know a lot of people who look like that on top who have great hair.

James Cole

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Thanks for all your responses...

It's not miniaturisation since those little hairs in my temples were not there before I began using DNC, they just created little pores of their own and start to florish.


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In my honest opinion your hair looks great. I wouldn't stress over that sh*t dude, looks like a full head of hair to me.


New Member
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LOL!! Hey James, I'll bet a lot of us on this site still wish we had a head of hair like that. It looks to me like the hair just separated a bit because of the spectral application.