Official Rules Of The Gym.


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Joe The Peacock's Official Rules Of The Gym.

I have come up with some fairly simple and OH SO necessary guidelines for those of you who have decided to pay your membership dues and head to the mecca for pretention, the local gym. These rules are NOT hard to follow, and I think that anyone and everyone who's ever stepped inside a gym, even to deliver a newspaper, would agree with me on all of them.

First, For The Guys:

1. Stop ogling the girls. It is human nature to look at beautiful things, and the more beautiful they are, the more you want to look. But come on - show some respect. Get a look, go back to whatever it is you were doing.

2. Stop ogling the girls. Seriously. Stop. I know you're a beast and have only six braincells, every one of them tasked with thinking about boobie. But for chrissake, have some decency, you jarhead. You're making them uncomfortable.

3. Stop ogling the girls. Yes, it's THAT bad a problem that I have to say it again.

4. Flex in the mirror at home. Sure, you need the mirror to watch your performance as you lift. And yeah, it's really cool to see yourself as you are all pumped and stuff... but must you do a full pose-down in the presence of everyone there?

5. If you sweat a lot, carry a towel. Wipe down the equipment you use. It's just respectful. No one wants to lay in your salty perspiration - if we did, we'd just walk up to you, turn around, and rub our backs on you like a bear would a tree.

6. Wash your goddamned clothes once in a while. Please.

7. If you cannot bench 315 lbs, don't get your buddy to sit there and "spot" you while the ladies pass by just so you can rattle the plates. Really, this one isn't too huge a deal - you want to damage yourself, fine by me - you're an idiot and deserve the pain. It's just frustrating to sit there and watch you trying to showboat for a crowd what doesn't give a sh*t.

8. If you don't know how to use a machine or do a certain exercise - ask a staff member or someone doing the exercise to teach you a bit about the equipment and routine.

9. However, don't go asking in the middle of a set. It's called "lane courtesy" and it's a term borrowed from bowling. While someone is concentrating on working out, don't go bugging them.

10. Unless your name is Lee Haney, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Joe Weider, don't give unsolicited lifting advice - Unless you see someone who's risking SERIOUSLY hurting themselves. And even then, be polite about it.

11. Just because she's female does NOT mean she needs or wants you to spot her. Leave her alone and go back to your machine, Randy Pan.

12. The treadmill is NOT the place for a race. Eyes down or straight forward - let other people have what little privacy is afforded them by line-of-sight displays.

13. A Hypothetical situation: let's say there's 5 of the SAME exercise machine in a group (i.e. treadmills). For the purposes of this discussion, assume the leftmost is #1 and the rightmost is #5, with #2, #3 and #4 falling where you'd logically assume they would. If I am on machine #1 and there is NO ONE ELSE ON ANY OTHER MACHINE, do NOT get on machine #2. Especially if you haven't been following rule #6.

14. Wear a goddamned shirt, you f*****g prima donna.

15. To clarify: Shirts consist of a torso and sleeves. If you've cut off half the torso to show your abs, you've failed at rule 14. Same if you've cut off the sleeves. And if you've EVER spent money on a spaghetti-thin single strip of cloth that goes over each shoulder and meets a 2" wide peice of fabric around your waist, you're a disgrace to humanity and should IMMEDIATELY proceed to the vascectomy clinic to save the human race from your spawn.

16. SHUT THE f*** UP. No one cares what you bench, used to bench, will be benching, etc. and so forth. Write it in a journal at the gym, and if you really need to talk about it, read it aloud to yourself when you get home.

17. Grunting is understandable and ok - yelling is not. Quit trying to draw attention to your Herculaean efforts by screaming like a banshee.


Now, because I am not one, I don't really know much about the rules for women as they apply to other women. But I do have a few guidelines for you gals.

So, For the Girls:

1. QUIT ENCOURAGING THE GUYS. Christ... this is the GYM. It's not a single's bar, quit treating it like one. I'm ESPECIALLY talking to those of you who laugh and flirt and flip your hair all over the place and blatantly poke your *** out when there's a guy present, and then get all pissy and angry when his eyes become glued to it. Wonder why the guys break rules # 1-3 in their list, making you feel so gosh darned uncomfortable? It's in part because you broke this rule. And while I'm at it,

2. NO MAKEUP. you come here specifically to get sweaty, and the last I checked, Mabellyene has not a single product geared toward gym use.

3. Closed-toed shoes only, please. I know you're a girl, and as such, you're not supposed to stink, but your toes sweat just like mine do.

4. Wear appropriately fitting workout clothing. Before you leave the house / locker room, look in the mirror again. and again. Ask your friends. Ask them again. It's one thing to wear close-fitting workout-specific clothing and spandex. Its another thing entirely to wear those clothes one size too small because you think they tighten your flab and make you look like J-Lo from the back. THey don't - if your *** and legs looks like a chewed wad of bubblegum out of spandex, they look that way IN spandex.


And then, there are a few things that really apply to everyone in general.

For everyone:

1. Stop comparing yourself to everyone in the building. You are there for YOU. Who cares if you lift more or less than anyone else, if you run slower or faster, if you can swim farther and faster, etc? If you're an athlete, relish in your own performance and quit grandstanding for those smaller / weaker / less fit than you. If you're a beginner or are just starting out, quit giving a sh*t about what other people may or may not be thinking about you right now - get in there and work your hardest.

2. Don't laugh at the fat guy / girl. They're there just like you are, they're working just as hard as you are. In almost every way possible, they're 10x the athlete you are - not only did they show up to the gym to get better, they did it amidst snickering and comments from assholes like you - and that takes more guts than you'll EVER have.

3. Don't spit in the water fountain - spit in the sink in the locker room or in the trashcan.

4. Passing wind is a natural occurance, especially if you are exerting yourself. If someone lets one or 2 fly, or burps a little while running, just grow up and let it slide. That said,

5. Don't go farting all over the place. If you ate something last night that didn't agree with you and your intestines are blowing like the foghorn of an icecutter, STAY HOME AND RUN AROUND THE BLOCK. If one's coming up and you can at all help it, sneak off to the corner or in the locker room and do it there.

6. Wipe down the goddamn equipment when you're done with it. And YES, you need to wipe off the bridge of the bike / crosstraining machine, you need to wipe off the display of the treadmill, you need to wipe off the handlegrips, and you need to wipe off the bench / seat of whatever you were sitting on. All of these things are entailed in WIPING DOWN THE GODDAMN EQUIPMENT.

7. Be curteous with "working in". There are quite a few unspoken rules of the gym, and this used to be one of them until now. It goes like this:

# If you are alone and you see another solo person working out on equipment you need to use, wait until they are done with the set and ask nicely if they mind if you work in.

# If you are alone and there are 2 people on your needed equipment, it's a bit less kosher to work in. If you can help it, wait.

# If you are alone and there's 3 or more folks, just wait or use something else.

# If you are not alone, you don't work in unless invited. Do not ask. Not even if it's just one guy and every other peice of equipment is taken. It's one thing to be by yourself and work into a team's routine, but it's just wrong to impose a 2-person waiting period into someone's workout.

8. When you need to wait on equpiment - do so at a close enough distance to indicate you're waiting on that machine but a far enough distance that you are not crowding whoever's currently on it. And don't stare at the person on it currently - it's uncomfortable enough knowing you're holding someone up, so don't make them feel like more of a jerk by making them think you mind.

9. When someone else is waiting on your machine - cut down on the lollygagging. If you're with a buddy, don't clown around between sets and make the person / people wait on your goofy ***. It's just rude.

10. Eat somewhere else. Don't eat your energy bar / granola nut cluster / peanut-butter-coated-pinecone-rolled-in-birdseed when you're on the equipment.

11. Don't sing along with your walkman. If you're singing along with whatever shitty music they're piping over the speakers in the club, that's kinda annoying. But there's NOTHING more annoying than some dipshit trying to be the next Ashlee Simpson while listening to the song over their headphones. It's not karaoke, and you're liable to get a 5lb plate hurled at you.

12. DO. NOT. WEAR. COLOGNE. OR. PERFUME. TO. THE. GYM. Just dont. (Submitted by Andrea)

13. If you take it out put it away. Pick up the dumbells when your done with them. Remove the plates from the bars and put them back on the rack. Hang the jumpropes and weightbelts back on the hooks. Don't be a gym slob - pick up after yourself. (submitted by J2000_ca)


I think everyone will agree that these rules are not out of line. In fact, I think everyone would agree that they are really very simple and direct. AND NECESSARY. Please share them with anyone you know that attends a gym or otherwise works out. Encourage your local gym manager to visit this site, print them out, and post them on the wall, or if you're brave enough, just do it yourself. And if you have a rule you'd like to add, please let me know in the comments.

And no, this isn't a potential chapter in the book, and it's not my way of getting around posting a story. It's just something that really, really needed to be said.

Thank you.

not me!

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f*****g AWESOME.

It never fails to amaze me how stupid, inconsiderate, and downright disgusting some people can be in a gym.

That said, I violate #15. I wear T-shirts with the sleeves cut off (but not the bottom cut off. That is disgusting.)

not me!

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Cassin said:
Number 10 gets to me.........

SHUT THE f*** UP!!!!!!!!

Oh man, me too.

There was this douchebag personal trainer that worked in the gym I went to where I used to live. He got pissy with me once because I told him that I didn't want to utilize his services when he asked once. Anytime after that, he would actually stare at me sometimes while I worked out like he had a problem or something.

Keep in mind this guy was, like 40 +. I was 25. He had an OBVIOUS severe hormonal imbalance from YEARS of steroid abuse. This guy had HUGE tits. Think of Meatloaf's character in Fight Club. The guy looked awful. The only people that did pay him were new members to the club that got roped into it and the only reason he still worked there was because he was, like, a lifetime friend of the owner's dad.

Anyway, this guy gave the worst advice and gave it loudly. He honestly thought that gym was his domain or something.

When I cancelled my membership it wasn't because of him or the gym. I just ignored him and I really liked the gym but I was moving. However, when the owner asked me why I wasn't renewing I told him that it was because of that guy. He just looked down and shook his head and said something to the effect of "Yeah, you arent the first to say something like that..."

I really felt for the guy, but I'm glad that I voiced my mind over it.


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I love seeing people lift things incorrectly and especially with higher weight than they should be using.

Last week, I saw this skinny kid -- probably a buck-twenty. He was ready. Lifting gloves, iPod, brand new white wife-beater, black Adidas track pants, and a pair of $100 shoes. He even wore tinted sunglasses inside the gym. I approached the weight rack and grabbed a pair of 35 pound dumbbells to curl with. First, he looked at me, stared at my arms, then he grabbed a couple of dumbbells, 40 pounds each. He made sure I knew he was going to use 40s and I was merely using 35s.

Then the comedy began. He started doing bicep curls in front of the mirror, standing a few feet away from me. For every rep, he hoisted each dumbbell up using his hips and bending his back, looking almost toward the ceiling. He continued this masquerade for three sets, staring at himself in the mirror in his wife-beater and tinted sunglasses in between sets.

I almost collapsed laughing. I had to stop my routine because I couldn't concentrate ... I just kept laughing and left the room. The saddest thing was that he had the "eye of the tiger" look -- completely serious and clueless. Oh, boy. Had I a camcorder, I would've make a killing.


not me!

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drinkrum said:
I love seeing people lift things incorrectly and especially with higher weight than they should be using.

Last week, I saw this skinny kid -- probably a buck-twenty. He was ready. Lifting gloves, iPod, brand new white wife-beater, black Adidas track pants, and a pair of $100 shoes. He even wore tinted sunglasses inside the gym. I approached the weight rack and grabbed a pair of 35 pound dumbbells to curl with. First, he looked at me, stared at my arms, then he grabbed a couple of dumbbells, 40 pounds each. He made sure I knew he was going to use 40s and I was merely using 35s.

Then the comedy began. He started doing bicep curls in front of the mirror, standing a few feet away from me. For every rep, he hoisted each dumbbell up using his hips and bending his back, looking almost toward the ceiling. He continued this masquerade for three sets, staring at himself in the mirror in his wife-beater and tinted sunglasses in between sets.

I almost collapsed laughing. I had to stop my routine because I couldn't concentrate ... I just kept laughing and left the room. The saddest thing was that he had the "eye of the tiger" look -- completely serious and clueless. Oh, boy. Had I a camcorder, I would've make a killing.


LOL!!! The tinted sunglasses alone would have had me on the floor in stitches!!!

The Gardener

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My main pet peeve at the gym are people who don't re-rack their bells. I mean, I can live with you not re-racking them in the exact properly marked location for the given weight amounts, as long as they are racked and within reach. What I hate is having to chase down a pair of bells that I end up finding in the f*****g cardio section of the gym, sandwiched between two ellipticals?! What the f***? Take the weights, use them, and for God's sake put them back where they are supposed to be so others can find them easily!

Pet Peeve 2 is people with body odor. This only applies to a very small handful. Now, I don't mind the smell of sweat, and BODY body odor, but some have UNDERARM body odor that is permeating beyond belief. The cure is to pick up some 'Certain-Dry' from the grocery store.

Pet Peeve 3 is people who hog the cardio machines when the gym is busy. At my gym, there is a posted 30 minute limit. Usually, there are no problems with this, I go to a gym which fortunately has excess capacity as compared to some gyms I have frequented in the past, but the first queue to form when things get busy is for the treadmills. It's OK to ignore the 30 minute limit when there are other open machines, but when there is a line 3-4 people long, it would be very polite of you to GET OFF of the machine and let others take their cycle. If there are no people in line, go ahead and punch in another 30 minutes... but if someone is waiting, then obey the posted rules. These time limits may vary from gym to gym, perhaps in some gyms it may be 40 or 60 minutes... but my point is not that 30 minutes should be some sort of limit, my point is that the posted rule, whatever it may be, should be respected at times when the gym is busy and many people are trying to get a little cardio in on a busy night.

Humorous observations at the gym:

There's a group of older Vietnamese men who work out at my gym. These guys must be in their late 50's, are very well greying, and are also VERY lean and wire-thin. From the looks of things, they weigh half my weight, but regularly bench press TWICE what I do. These guys, in all honesty, must be pressing 250% of their body weight. Amazing. And, they are disciplined. They are always at the gym, every f*****g Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

They are an inspiration for me. I only hope I am in such good shape and look as lean and healthy as they do at that age.


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haha drinkrum... wow 35s that's impressive... i can't seem to get past the damn 25 lb mark.

and i must agree... cassin #10 just fuckin pisses me off!

and it's usually the guys that don't know how to do sh*t with sh*t physique that prey on people that lift less than them.

and there is this guy at the gym that wears a beater but it looks as if it's been badly stretched out way too much... i can see his upper abs and up for cryin out loud! why the hell do people wear such things?


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#4 Saw this assmaster yesterday go over to one of the corners where two mirrors meet so he can admire himself. He kept lifting his shirt to see his abs at every possible angle....what a dusch. He wasn't even working his abs.

I can tolerate pretty much anything except the jack-knobs that don't take their plates off the leg press machine.


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I personally can not tolerate the lurkers. You all have them at your gyms, they are those people that just kind of hang around and you never really see them do much. I could care less that they do not do anything but since they are always there (seems like they are lost and looking for friends) and see you all the time they feel compelled to talk to you. Also dont mind some short chit chat but some fo these guys just keep talking and talking and talking, totally oblivious to the fact that you are in the middle of your workout and unlike them you would like to accomplish something in your time there. Also pet peeve please for the love of god old men do not walk around the locker room naked for 20 minutes before finally putting on some f'in clothes.


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21gone said:
Also pet peeve please for the love of god old men do not walk around the locker room naked for 20 minutes before finally putting on some f'in clothes.

haha yeah i forgot about that one. it's always the old gramps too...weird


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And what's with some of these macho idiots that SLAM the weights on the bar, I mean every plate, it's like standing next to a jack hammer. Alittle bang of the plate is acceptable. But c'mon are these people just inconsiderate idiots or is that they don't have the coordination and dexterity.


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venden said:
And what's with some of these macho idiots that SLAM the weights on the bar, I mean every plate, it's like standing next to a jack hammer. Alittle bang of the plate is acceptable. But c'mon are these people just inconsiderate idiots or is that they don't have the coordination and dexterity.

TO go one further....There is no need to chuck your bells after doing a heavy set.
I used to move some serious weight around years back and never once did I feel the need to drop them from 3-4 feet up or toss them to the floor to get the whole gym looking in my direction.
1st off it's dangerous to yourself and makes you look like a dusch.
Same goes with then machines...DON'T SLAM THE F-ING WEIGHTS. Ok this happens maybe once in a while but not after each set or rep. There was this dick the other day on the pec-deck slamming the weight between each rep then slamming the handles together....all swing, no control, big dusch. Think he got more of an ab workout than pecs


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I love the gym, lots of strange people go to mine most don't even go to work out just stand around and chat. I feel strange when I am doing my work out it's like most of the people look at me as if to say " What the f*** do you think this place is a gym!" that's when I put down the sack of potatoes and calmly walk out of the local green grocers ........


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By the way, I saw the same character today as I described in my earlier post in this thread. He tried to bench a little bit more than he could handle (I think he had 200 lbs on the rack when the max he could do, I would wager, is about 135). The barbell fell straight to his scrawny little chest and I had to help him get out of his precarious position. What pissed me off was that the little f*** didn't even thank me; he just muttered something and walked away. Now, my friends, that is what we call a "tool".



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lol.. thats actually really funny, i can totally picture that. you should have picked up the weight with two fingers, to really piss him off.

The Gardener

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What is with the guys who hang out in the locker room wearing nothing but a t-shirt... no underwear, just a t-shirt? Some of them seem to prefer wearing 'athletic supporters' or 'jock straps', and some of them wear them only with a t-shirt. This should be a rules violation.

Additionally, it might be acceptable to give a teammate a friendly 'pat' on the *** when you make a good play during a baseball game, but I don't think that completing an everyday set of chest press calls for one. So, what is the deal? I can't be the first person to bench what I can lift at the gym?.. I just thought that the *** pat seemed a little over the top. OH, and if you are going to give an '*** pat', give the f*****g pat and don't let your hand linger there. That too should be a rules violation.

Lastly, when I walk into the steam room, why is everyone staring at me? And what's with the damned lotion? Lotion, lotion everywhere, and NO I don't need any help applying lotion to my body upon entering the steam room. It's a f*****g steam room. Who needs lotion? That, once again, should be a rules violation.


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ah come on, these rules are f*****g a***.

I regularly break:

1 through 4





The first 4 are the silliest ones. Every other girl in the gym is there HOPING guys will look at them.

I'd probably go half as much (1 once a month instead of twice) if I couldn't ogle at the girls. :D