off to costa rica


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Why Costa Rica? Be careful down there. I've never been there, but frankly some of them S./Central American Countries seem a bit scary. I saw a story about 2 girls who went to CR, they wound up in bad company, were raped and murdered. Sure, that can happen anywhere, but in some of those countries "life is cheap." (I just saw the movie 'Blow', and that's what the Columbian character told Depp's character)

Hopefully you'll be in a good area.
Watch out for pick-pockets and street kid gangs.


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Costa Rica is actually one of the safest of all Central American countries. The country is democratic and has a very stable government and a enormous tourism industry.

Just take normal security precautions and its just as safe to travel there as in Europe or Asia. Definitely 100X safer than say Colombia, the country Escobar was referring to in Blow. Colombia and Costa Rica are two completely different worlds, the similarity of the two ends with the Spanish language.

I'm going to CR in May and can't wait - Surfing, white water rafting, rainforest mountaineering and cheap living and flights.