Odd Hair Lose Pattern - Pictures Included


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Hey guys, For the last few years, I had a feeling that my hair (which usually grew pretty long) start getting a bit thinner and started to recede, but nothing serious - Just my genetics kicking in. Over the last year or so, I started having "thinning" lines all over my head, without any clear pattern - just paths all over my head which have way way less hair than other areas - middle to front, and even on the sides - most of them are not straight, but curvy. I can almost describe it as having a maze on my scalp. It definitely does not look like the classic MBP. Over the last few months it got worse, and very fast so. I basically now have paths and spots of baldness and thinner hair all over my head, with the front being the more dominant part, without any clear pattern (not that I can spot, anyway). I went to my family doctor (GP?) and he basically said it's just good old balding. I now have an appointment to see a dermatologist, but in the meantime, I thought it wouldn't hurt getting advice/ideas from people who sadly suffer from similar issues. I appreciate *any* help. Thank you!

Scary photos are attached. 9uC1oL6.jpg CTl8iCw.jpg Ods11Mi.jpg qhhN13B.jpg xJeQnkS.jpg


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Sorry to hear about your hair man, I know it sucks :(.
Other than that, anyone noticed anything similar? any experience?