Occult medicine Remedy for hair loss


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A friend of mine has been trying this formula with absolute success, he got it from an old esoteric book about occult medicine, he says he has absolutely stopped hair loss the remedy is cheap and very natural, I'm only afraid to try it because Avodart has stopped my hair loss, and I don't know if I should stop taking avodart in order to try this. But perhaps some of you might wanna try it and post your results:

Against the danger of becoming bald a very simple formula exists:

Half a liter of Firewater or Tequila, one small spoonful of salt, one gram of Cinchona or Peruvian Bark. It is necessary to leave this in infusion for fifteen days before using it.

Rub the scalp of your head with this remedy every night before going to sleep.

This is how your hair will stop falling out before reaching total baldness.


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Rise chicken, chicken rise!

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Didn't you post this stupid crap ten threads down?

Are you recruiting for your church or something?