Obtaining Proscar in Australia


New Member
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Hi guys,
Have been doing some research into hairloss and was thinking about adding proscar (cutting it up into 4ths) to my regime.
Does anyone know if there are any online chemists where I could order proscar in Syd, Australia, or is this something that I will have to visit the doctor for? Dont mind either way, but definitely more convienient over the net.

I have used the laser comb for 8 months and have experienced some regrowth in the temple areas. I added minoxidil to my regime a month ago and these hairs have definitely thickened up, however, the regrowth is sparse at this stage.

Thanks to any advice people may have.


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Hey Mate, There are plenty of online Australian pharmacies - I use http://www.epharmacy.com.au. where you can get Propecia & Proscar for a little less than regular pharmacies (although only marginally cheaper).
The thing is you need a script to buy these drugs - not possible without it. So you have to go and see a doctor and you then have to convince him/her to give you a script for Proscar - a thing that might be very hard. No problems getting Propecia (but a different price tag applies).

I have heard on this forum about online pharmacies in India & Mexico but don't know about these - look in the Propecia/Proscar dumping ground on this forum.

If you want to get cheaper Propecia in Sydney go to Roy Young Pharmacy in Chatswood (westfield).

Also, get yourself some Nizoral 2% - available in most pharmacies.