Obsession with hair loss


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Does anyone else experience this?

Six years ago, at the age of 23, I was obsessed. Then I started propecia, and basically forgot about hairloss. Now at 29, and unmarried, my obsession has come back. Maybe cause Im single, maybe cause Im in college again (grad school), or maybe cause I recently moved to Chicago (great single scene here).......not sure what it is.....

But all of a sudden I find myself thinking about hair way too much. My hair has stayed the same the last 6 years, but I recently added minoxidil and lasercomb to try and grow more hair back. Maybe Im becoming greedy trying to grow more hair back...and it will backfire....

Ive also been running and lifting a lot more, and generally have this desire to look good as possible....

Damn, I think Im just becoming too vain--trying so hard to look good--wanting to kick life in the ***......

OK, ramble over......