Obaervations of an aspie (seven eleven)


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I know a guy who does some occasional work for us.
This guy is not homeless, but almost.
His situation is pretty simple, he is married, has 5 kids, they have 2 beds in which 7 people sleep, they cannot wash themselves, do not have a washing machine, basically lives ultra poor. He has relatives, neighbors, etc. so not isolated on the streets without anyone to talk to.
He does not use a cellphone.
He cannot read, cannot write.

Eats 1 time or 2 times a day, even then something like bread and salami, a couple of tomatoes, whatever is cheap or whatever he gets. Usually people give him spoiled food and lots of garbage they do not need, definitely consuming pufa, maybe not in huge amounts.
Works heavily all day long, often in seriously infected places or toxic environments. I really doubt most can even imagine what means to work with a pair of slippers on in conditions which only seen on TV by most.

How does he look, he is short, full head of hair, massive beard, wide jaw with with obvious muscles in the corner of the jaw when he shaves
Muscular look, no fat, ripped, capped side deltoid muscles from the front.
High energy, good mood, fairly confident, grins, also can make fun of others.

Now on the other hand, so many doctors and lifestyle advisers, health gurus often lack even eyebrow hair, some lack even facial hair and there is a constant talk about which form of magnesium to take, how much seafood to eat in order to keep hair, how toxic is one thing. Not even exposed to much hardship but they look in one of the most exemplary ways of looking bad. This sort of contrast is striking.