NY Times article on benefits of oral minoxidil

Josh Stone

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There's a favorable article in the NY Times today about the benefits of oral minoxidil for female and male hair loss:

Looking up one of the doctors cited in the article, I found this excerpt of a study he published on the topic:

That study mentions .45mg daily.


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This was in the comment section of that article

American academy of determatology:



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It's annoying that it still might not work, and it has crap side effects like hairy knuckles - never anything useful, useful like it add 3 inches.


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I am totally digging the hairy knuckles and forearms.


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Full disclosure: I am using Minoxidil not for my head hair (I have thick full hair at 56) but for body hair. Started applying topical to my legs a couple of years ago. Got modest gains in growth on my legs and also on my arms (systemic absorption) but it was not worth the hassle of running around in my underwear all morning, waiting for it to dry. Started taking about 5-10 mg daily orally and that seemed to speed up the process. I now have growth on my shoulders, chest, stomach, hands, arms and legs. Nothing explosive like what some guys have posted on Reddit but I think my age and genetics are limiting how much body hair this will cause. I had very little hair on my wrist/forearm and hands one year ago (see pic above).

It's hard to say if it has affected my head hair since it has always been so thick. It has caused my eyebrows to become heavier and made my beard slightly thicker.

Currently taking one 10 mg tablet in the morning with occasional topical application to my legs in addition to that.