Nw5-6: What Are My Options Right Now?


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Hey boys,

I began balding some 4-5 years ago, but it's picked up a bit the last year, so starting to looking into solutions. From how it looks now, I'm fairly certain I will end up with Norwood 5-6. I'm 29 years old.

What are my options here? Can I do a FUE and get back to Norwood 3 perhaps? Or can I do FUE, supply with SMP and keep the hair short? Of course I know I can not get anywhere near a full hair again, but can maybe just get some thin on top and a bit to frame the face? Or should I just embrace it? :)

Previously I took Minodioxil, but got tinnitus from taking it (took it in three different rounds and every time the tinnitus came back), so not too keen on getting back on it. Same goes for propecia and any other hormone drug.

The photos show my hair from the top and my back/side.

Thanks for any advice.


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You could potentially get a hair transplant, but you need to be careful as your donor does not look super dense to me. If you got hair transplant you might just want to focus on the front and top and let the crown go as it will suck up your grafts.

Get a few consults and see what reputable docs tell you.