[nsfw] Masturbation Is A Homosexual Act


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This is not a joke and if you don't have something valuable to add, refrain from commenting. If you want to make jokes about this, make your own topic. I will report people that do not respect this request and that this is a serious topic.

If you want to comment, you will have to provide the answer to the following paradox. Stroking off your own penis is considered normal and not gay (because it's "self stimulation") therefore sucking your own penis and cumming in your mouth would HAVE to also be considered normal and not gay.

So what happens when you masturbate? You stroke a penis. The harder you stroke a penis, the more sexually aroused you get, eventually orgasming with a penis in your hand. Exactly what a woman or a gay man feels.

The whole reasoning for masturbation to be considered normal is that it is "self stimulation". So if "self stimulation" with a body part on your penis is not abnormal or gay, therefore self stimulation with any body part (for example mouth) would be the exact equivalent.

If one thinks jerking off is not gay, he has to suck his own penis to be logically consistent.


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I guess the world has a large homosexual population in that case...

Unless you are that stupid, you would be aware that homosexuality means to be attracted to the same sex. Masturbation is the imitation of the actual situation, with the main reason being pleasure. Although, to negate what you are saying, people would be fine using a fleshlight.

Maybe you are just using masturbation to excuse your own homosexuality.


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I guess the world has a large homosexual population in that case...

No, western population (european, american) is becoming BIsexual and more homosexual, as masturbation has been pushed as a normal act here.

Unless you are that stupid, you would be aware that homosexuality means to be attracted to the same sex.

But are you that stupid to be able to have a conversation without insulting me? Homosexuality means nothing, it is a word mostly invented in the 1800s. Up until then, in all civilizations, a man was either a man if he fcked women (and men) and a woman if he got fcked. "Homosexuality" is a pointless word that says nothing about the act.

So masturbation is the imitation of the actual situation.. and you're stroking a dick. How is that not "homosexual" exactly?

Maybe you're so defensive to cover up for your own homosexuality.

You still didn't answer the question, even though i specifically asked that it is answered. Is sucking your own penis and ejaculating in your mouth a "straight act"?


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Homosexuality means nothing, it is a word mostly invented in the 1800s. Up until then, in all civilizations, a man was either a man if he fcked women (and men) and a woman if he got fcked. "Homosexuality" is a pointless word that says nothing about the act.

So masturbation is the imitation of the actual situation.. and you're stroking a dick. How is that not "homosexual" exactly?

Homosexuality and heterosexuality means being attracted to a person of the same sex or not. I can't believe this needs to be clarified. And not necessarily with the act of masturbation or how you stimulate yourself. And no, it's not a pointless word, if it doesn't mean anything to you it will have to do with a personal affair of yours that may have to do with your own prejudices. Do you realize that according to your way of thinking if someone masturbated me I would be "safe" from being gay since I wouldn't be using my own hands?

Is sucking your own penis and ejaculating in your mouth a "straight act"?

Maybe yes, maybe no.


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Homosexuality and heterosexuality means being attracted to a person of the same sex or not.

So if a genderless robot (like the one in I robot) fucks you with a huge penis, that does not make you homosexual? If you suck that robot's penis, is it a heterosexual act?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

That's the whole point of the topic, it either is or isn't, it can't be both or neither. IF jerking off is NOT gay, neither is sucking your penis to ejaculation.


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I probably would if I could but that's anatomically feasible for me...and fyi I'm straight.
Nobody is completely straight, we are all gay


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I mean can anyone on here really give themselves head? I mean I probably would if I could but that's anatomically feasible for me...and fyi I'm straight.

Yeah, me too. But it's easier said than done. I could try intensive yoga classes and then try it, but I think I'm going to need more than that.


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No, western population (european, american) is becoming BIsexual and more homosexual, as masturbation has been pushed as a normal act here.

But are you that stupid to be able to have a conversation without insulting me? Homosexuality means nothing, it is a word mostly invented in the 1800s. Up until then, in all civilizations, a man was either a man if he fcked women (and men) and a woman if he got fcked. "Homosexuality" is a pointless word that says nothing about the act.

So masturbation is the imitation of the actual situation.. and you're stroking a dick. How is that not "homosexual" exactly?

Maybe you're so defensive to cover up for your own homosexuality.

You still didn't answer the question, even though i specifically asked that it is answered. Is sucking your own penis and ejaculating in your mouth a "straight act"?

Bisexuality and homosexuality is becoming more ‘widespread’ because it’s actually more common than people can comprehend. It has nothing to do with masturbation, and you know that.

I insult everyone, equality for all! Homosexuality does mean something, it means same-sex attraction, in which similar terminologies (through different languages) have existed since the beginning of religion. Homosexuality does say a lot about the act, as it means to be attracted to the same-sex, just like how heterosexuality means to be attracted to the opposite-sex.

You are stroking your own dick, not someone else’s. How does masturbating equate to the attraction of the same-sex? It doesn’t even make sense.


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So if a genderless robot (like the one in I robot) fucks you with a huge penis, that does not make you homosexual? If you suck that robot's penis, is it a heterosexual act?



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Bisexuality and homosexuality is becoming more ‘widespread’ because it’s actually more common than people can comprehend.

It is becoming more widespread because of masturbation. There is no evidence it was widespread in the past.

Homosexuality does say a lot about the act, as it means to be attracted to the same-sex

It doesn't actually, as who gets penetrated is what matters. One is attracted to the penis first and foremost because that's what he associates pleasure with. Same-sex = penis.


That's actually a valid question you have to answer. By your logic that is NOT gay because it's not a man.


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It is becoming more widespread because of masturbation. There is no evidence it was widespread in the past.

It doesn't actually, as who gets penetrated is what matters. One is attracted to the penis first and foremost because that's what he associates pleasure with. Same-sex = penis.

That's actually a valid question you have to answer. By your logic that is NOT gay because it's not a man.

It most likely was widespread in the past, similar to now, but there has been a lot of oppression against those who are homosexuals. I mean, have you not done a basic history check?

Same-sex means to be attracted to the male physique as a whole. Otherwise, homosexuals would have same-sex attraction to transgender males who have had SRS or women wearing a strap-on, but that’s evidently not the case. Similarly, you can be a homosexual but asexual, since you are attracted to men physically and emotionally, but not sexually attracted to anyone.


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It most likely was widespread in the past, similar to now, but there has been a lot of oppression against those who are homosexuals. I mean, have you not done a basic history check?

Have you done a basic history check? There is no evidence it was widespread. NONE. Zero. Zilch. Nada. You can't imply it was "widespread" but repressed. In some societies it was not repressed but it was still extremely uncommon and specific to big cities only.

Asexual doesn't mean anything, it's just a sexual disorder. You can't not want a primary function (reproduction). That's why homosexuality is also a disorder.

Did you know there is 0 exclusive homosexuality in nature? Only extremely remote cases of bisexuality?

Also, what's with the dislikes, you getting triggered?


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If masturbation is homosexuality.

Is love for your own family then incest? like your mom and dad wants to give you all the love and satisfaction. Like if you also kiss your parents or siblings?

But no, masturbation on yourself is not homosexuality. And it have been around since man have existed, its not something new. Just like other animals pleasures them self.

But how do you identify homosexuality in nature? if two male lions roam around in Africa for years, are they homosexuals or just good friends? Same with female lions that keep together, and other social animals. We can't really answer that question because... no one speaks lion, or other animal languages, so we can never answer the question.

Maybe homosexual animals are like human homosexuals they have hetero sex to have some offspring, and then keep their homosexual relationship. We can only speculate about it.


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If masturbation is homosexuality.

Is love for your own family then incest? like your mom and dad wants to give you all the love and satisfaction. Like if you also kiss your parents or siblings?

But no, masturbation on yourself is not homosexuality. And it have been around since man have existed, its not something new. Just like other animals pleasures them self.

But how do you identify homosexuality in nature? if two male lions roam around in Africa for years, are they homosexuals or just good friends? Same with female lions that keep together, and other social animals. We can't really answer that question because... no one speaks lion, or other animal languages, so we can never answer the question.

Maybe homosexual animals are like human homosexuals they have hetero sex to have some offspring, and then keep their homosexual relationship. We can only speculate about it.

There are no homosexual animals. EXCLUSIVE homosexuality (no interest in opposite sex) does not exist in nature. There are extremely rare cases of bisexuality and next to 0 involve actual penetration, just fake mounting which is a sign of dominance or play.