Nourkrin Shampoo - 20 y/o help.


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Does anyone use Nourkrin Shampoo? 'to reduce hairloss and promote exsisting hair growth'.
I use this aswell as taking propeica. I dont want to use the Norzal cos quite a few people have said it makes them itchy or get white stuff in there hair. This shampoo I use is really smoothing and feels nice after. Has anyone else tried using this and got results from it?

In my self I do feel it is kind of working but dont want to get my hopes up because i feel quite down atm and just getting o with things. I just always seem to have it on my mind, and see the reflection while on the tube and walking past shop windows. It really does effect you so much hair loss. I am deffently not experiencing hair loss like I used to, becaused I had loads in the shower and my pillow. However its not completely gone and I do still get some come out. I used be using finasteride since november 2007.

This is exactally what I take:
-Propecia (to stop anymore hair loss and promote exsisting hairgrowth)
-Nourkrin shampoo ( to promote exsisting hair growth and reduce hairloss)
-herbal - vitamins for the hair (designed to put vitamins in ur blood that your hair needs)