Not yet a success story, but fingers crossed! (25y.o. Minoxidil)


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I have been in denial about my hair loss for the past few years, but have finally decided to do something about it. Please see attached pictures for my current situation. I started using Regaine 5% today and am looking to combine it with either a S5 lotion/Revivogen combo or propecia. My only concern with propecia are the potential long-term side effects- any idea how common these are? I will also use Nizoral shampoo. Watch this space!would love to have a thick set of hair- losing some of it has really knocked my confidence.


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Pretty sure you can find the ACTUAL STUDIES of propecia by doing a simple Google search. People on these sorts of websites like to exaggerate a bit. Good luck!


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I *think* I've started shedding- is this meant to happen this soon? Typically how long does the shedding phase last? Or is it very varied from person to person?


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My Regimen
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Shedding can occur a few weeks after starting treatment. The severity and duration of the shedding depends on the person - I recommend riding through it. Chances are you'll see some regrowth.