Not sure what to do...


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So, my hair is continuingly getting more thin... I eventually went to a dermatologist, about a year ago... he prescribed finasteride... which i havent taken one pill of. Not only have I been on medication my whole life and know how sh*t can alter your mood, i researched it when I got home, and find that people are complaining of fatigue, depression... two of my biggest problems as it is. So, I dont know if thats the best hair loss treatment medication or solution but im not doing that one, i need something else, is there something better that I can talk to a dermatologist about.

i dont wanna take fa-nasty-ride

e reed

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Topicals my friend. I'm using Dr. Lee's 2% spironolactone right now and Tricomin spray. It seem to be keeping lots of hair from falling out. I couldn't do Fa-nasty-ride, made my member limp and lifeless.


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Yea, its not like ive really lost any hair either, its getting thin, and im the only one who notices it, but it is doing what i dont want it to do. I either want it to stay the way it is, or thicken what I have. I think while finasteride can be a great choice for some, with my back problems such as: low sex drive, depression, and fatigue... i just dont think it was a good choice for me, what can you tell me about your topicals? Is there any certain kind that would be good in my situation. I would also like to take some pictures of my head for you guys, but I have really long hair, and dont know the best way of taking the pics so they are benificial.

You can see me on youtube though (i appologize for the subject content), and while it may not seem bad in some videos, because its thinning, it frizzes to no end, and that is very apparent in some videos... the videos with longer hair may be more apparent in terms of maybe possibly being helpfull.

e reed

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Rogain (minoxidil) is a proven product that works for a lot of people. But the catch is you have to use it for the rest of your life, and it can be quite a hastle to use twice a day for as long as you want to maintain the effects. The Topical spironolactone stops DHT from binding to your follicles and maintains the hair that you have. There are no side effects, I've only head of one case on this forum, and it's easy to apply and fairly cheap. Also Tricomin is a copper peptide solution that stimulates hair growth and keeps more follicles in the growth cycle. If you want to maintain you should give some of these products a try, and do some research on other products that have the same effect. I my self am just learning what works for me. I seem to be having a positive reception to the spironolactone, I've only been using the Tricomin for a week. It makes my scalp feel great though. I'm also using Reviogen shampoo that is supposed to fight DHT as well, whether it works or not I can't say, but it makes my hair nice and thick in a natural way. Check some of these out, see if they sound like something that could work for you.

e reed

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I don't really know because I use mine at night. Tricomin can be used right after you shower, it's sort of a leave in conditioner. I couldn't imagine using rogain twice a day and trying to style, I would look like a moron. If you style using gel it most likely wouldn't be too bad, but having longer hair and not using product would be pretty messy and greasy. Topicals are a hastle but, it's better than messing up your hormones and possibly rendering yourself impotent.


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Have you tried Nizoral (ketoconazole)? It's worth using as a shampoo 2-3 times / week.


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bubka said:
side effects are in less than 3% of men, just take it or go bald

Easy to say if you consider yourself one of the 97% who don't... or whose side effects are minor... or whose side effects are noticeable but not critical...

Consider this: (we've all played Texas Hold'em I suppose) - the percentage of being dealt AA is 0.4% (f**kall) and yet the amount of times I have received the "rockets" is crazy. And that's 0.4%. Three percent may sound like nothing, but trust me it'll happen more often than it would seem.

I would love to stop taking finasteride. But that's my decision, and I wouldn't want to hear it from anyone who was telling me to get back on it.

hair today gone tomorrow

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Maxpwr said:
bubka said:
side effects are in less than 3% of men, just take it or go bald

Easy to say if you consider yourself one of the 97% who don't... or whose side effects are minor... or whose side effects are noticeable but not critical...

Consider this: (we've all played Texas Hold'em I suppose) - the percentage of being dealt AA is 0.4% (f**kall) and yet the amount of times I have received the "rockets" is crazy. And that's 0.4%. Three percent may sound like nothing, but trust me it'll happen more often than it would seem.

I would love to stop taking finasteride. But that's my decision, and I wouldn't want to hear it from anyone who was telling me to get back on it.

are you kidding me...a typical poker game is HUNDREDS OF hands...youd be lucky to get AA one time....its not crazy when you think about how many hands youve played.

hair today gone tomorrow

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e reed said:
Rogain (minoxidil) is a proven product that works for a lot of people. But the catch is you have to use it for the rest of your life, and it can be quite a hastle to use twice a day for as long as you want to maintain the effects. The Topical spironolactone stops DHT from binding to your follicles and maintains the hair that you have. There are no side effects, I've only head of one case on this forum, and it's easy to apply and fairly cheap. Also Tricomin is a copper peptide solution that stimulates hair growth and keeps more follicles in the growth cycle. If you want to maintain you should give some of these products a try, and do some research on other products that have the same effect. I my self am just learning what works for me. I seem to be having a positive reception to the spironolactone, I've only been using the Tricomin for a week. It makes my scalp feel great though. I'm also using Reviogen shampoo that is supposed to fight DHT as well, whether it works or not I can't say, but it makes my hair nice and thick in a natural way. Check some of these out, see if they sound like something that could work for you.

what do you mean theres a catch? theres a "catch" to every single hair loss treatment...they ALL require life long use. Why do people ALWAYS single out minoxidil.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
are you kidding me...a typical poker game is HUNDREDS OF hands...youd be lucky to get AA one time....its not crazy when you think about how many hands youve played.

AA is still a fairly common hand. Hitting KK, QQ, JJ or in fact any specific pair straight up is a 0.4% chance. :)

My point is that that 3% chance of getting sides should not be overlooked when making the decision whether to do it or not. 3% may sound like nothing, but it definitely happens.

I wouldn't advise anyone to get on finasteride if they didn't want to.


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Uh, so... thanks everyone, alot of suggestions in here... not sure which one i really should take though... no rogaine, 2x a day with my hair, and what not... just not going to work.

its been 2 years since i first noticed any thinning, the thinning has spread but still no noticable hair loss yet, but now my head is starting to itch like crazy...

bah, so

how do i go about taking pictures for you guys?


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Take finasteride. I have been using it for about 2 1/2 years now and it has worked for me, definitely maintained. There have been months of shedding and periods of not noticing a single hair come off my head for months, but overall I have definitely maintained. I have had no noticeable sides at all. Yes, there is a 3% chance of sides, but these are not permanent. Usually they do subside after a month or two anyway. If worst comes to worst you stop taking the medicine and there is no permanent damage. It's by far the most effective thing we have to fight hairloss and by far the easiest to take. I think you'd be crazy to wait it out if hairloss is really important to you. You can play games with topicals other than rogaine but you will just be creating a nightmare for yourself. If the itch is the worst thing and you don't mind thinning, then use Nizoral. It's not essential though. Remember, if you take it, give it 2 years before you judge. There WILL be fluctuations, but you must stick it out and give it a chance to work. It took 1 1/2 years of taking it before I noticed one day in the shower that my hair wasn't coming out. I think you won't regret it..


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Here is why I will not take finasteride...

I have problems with hormones as it is, i have huge man boobs, and i gain 10-20 pounds of water weight in 2 days. I dont want to mess with my hormones anymore than i have.

I really only want to maintain, cause i havent lost any... and i can do that with a topical isnt that the better choice?

but what...

now i have a crapload of topicals to choose from and nizoral?


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Maxpwr said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
are you kidding me...a typical poker game is HUNDREDS OF hands...youd be lucky to get AA one time....its not crazy when you think about how many hands youve played.

AA is still a fairly common hand. Hitting KK, QQ, JJ or in fact any specific pair straight up is a 0.4% chance. :)

My point is that that 3% chance of getting sides should not be overlooked when making the decision whether to do it or not. 3% may sound like nothing, but it definitely happens.

I wouldn't advise anyone to get on finasteride if they didn't want to.

There are a lot of depression and anxiety drugs with a much worse side effect profile than finasteride, and those things get prescribed with no thought whatsoever. And many of the people who experience sides only experience then temporarily until their body adjusts. The number of people who take finasteride and have such an adverse reaction that they have to quit, is probably quite miniscule, and even in that case, sides should go away.

hair today gone tomorrow

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Maxpwr said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
are you kidding me...a typical poker game is HUNDREDS OF hands...youd be lucky to get AA one time....its not crazy when you think about how many hands youve played.

AA is still a fairly common hand. Hitting KK, QQ, JJ or in fact any specific pair straight up is a 0.4% chance. :)

My point is that that 3% chance of getting sides should not be overlooked when making the decision whether to do it or not. 3% may sound like nothing, but it definitely happens.

I wouldn't advise anyone to get on finasteride if they didn't want to.

Thanks...but i dont need the math lesson..what your stating is pretty obvious. :roll:
if someone told me i had a 3/100 chance of getting sides if feel PRETTY comfortable about NOT getting dont have to state the obvious "we know it definetly happens" but the odds are definitely stacked in YOUR favor.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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irhxcbcziuzxs said:
So, my hair is continuingly getting more thin... I eventually went to a dermatologist, about a year ago... he prescribed finasteride... which i havent taken one pill of. Not only have I been on medication my whole life and know how $#iT can alter your mood, i researched it when I got home, and find that people are complaining of fatigue, depression... two of my biggest problems as it is. So, I dont know if thats the best hair loss treatment medication or solution but im not doing that one, i need something else, is there something better that I can talk to a dermatologist about.

i dont wanna take fa-nasty-ride

I'm not trying to convince you one way or the other, but keep in mind that fatigue and depression are not uncommon among people suffering from hairloss; finasteride or no finasteride. It's very easy to blame the drug for these effects. Although I honestly do believe finasteride robbed me of some of my usual energy, I know I was depressed long before starting it. The lack of energy may also have had something to do with my messed up sleep schedule.