Norwood 3 Been Receding For 5 Years Any Hope To Regrow?


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I know what you said, you made that very clear in your last post. Maybe I worded it wrong I give you that but your post "...why are you here asking for help" can't exactly determine whether or not someone is being rude or not in text. I would appreciate a different approach next time, this is the internet and you never know exactly who you're talking to. I apologize for getting a little angry, I didn't know how to take that, do you at least give me that? You seem very eager to put me in my place over my question.


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Good luck Mr Reese.

I'm starting a similar regime. I started last week, just now I'm only using Rogaine 5% foam and mostly for my hairline and a diffuse thinning at the crown and vertex. I can still feel some hopefully sleeping hairs at the corner of my NW3 hairline so I'm hoping with a bit of luck the rogaine will waken these up.


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I didn't know how to take that, do you at least give me that?

yes, ok u didnt know how to take that. There was no underlying animosity in my question. I just didnt understand ur situation, it didnt make sense to me.

lets just forget it. to change the subject....

how long r the regrown hairs? how thin? how transperant? or how dark?

r they distributed just along the hairline? or all over?

we need to determine if its regrowth, or miniturization (which is still regrowth, just growing smaller each cycle). noone wants to hear that it could be miniturization, but its a common mistake. ive made the same mistake b4, we all hav i think.


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I'm diffused thinning all over

Balding temples and vertex

Receding hairline.

Boy do I need some help.

This is what i'm doing and I'm getting fuzz in the area that was left exposed after receding.

1. spironolactone 25mg, night
2. Saw Palmetto 2x160mg pills, morn
3. Nioxin vits (1 morn, 1 night)
4. MSM (1000mg morn, 1000mg night)
5. During some 1 meal(2 garlic, 2 Borage/flax/Fish pills)

Wash every 4 days
1. Wash with 2% Keto
2. Condition with Saw Palmetto
3. spironolactone in styling serum