norwood 2 ( mature hairline) or norwood 3?


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hi, i just turned 26, and am wondering, what my hairline is on the norwood scale. i never wear it pushed back, bcos i feel its a little 'back', but the photos included are high quality with my hair combed as far backas to reeal the hairline in it furthest 'back' state. my hair is very wavyand curly, its just my hairlin im wondering about. im just wonderinif im worse than a norwood 2, bcos i think my hairline is only a 'little receding' bt normalish for a 26 year old i hope.

many thanks for ur time people


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Looks like a strong mature hairline, all good I think..
But what is your family history like? Any bald males in your family?


Just meant your hairline still looks strong, I don't think you'll go bald in the near future and maybe even never..


Senior Member
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This is barely even a Norwood 2. If anything 1.5. It's completely normal, and doesn't mean it's going to recede any further.


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not to scaremonger and not that the OP's hair isn't great but i definately see his concerns ... his hair is pretty much exactly where mine is at 26 thick and wavy but slghtly receded. if i were the OP i would really want to keep my hair as such so my best advice to u OP as a guy with exactly the same hair line/thickness is to observe your hair... see if u notice a slight shed or maybe thinner areas around the crown and forelock(not balding just thinner by anterior middle hair standards) as i've told people before U will know if u are losing hair..... this doesnt mean u will ever be bald like other posters have said but taking steps to insure u have that nice youthful hairline for a long time coming wont hurt. (note: im not telling him to jump on the proscar wagon or anything just to be alert of his situation as baldness efffects 99percent? or something of men and we could all use a little help am i right?)


New Member
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thanku for ur comments. a norwood 2 and 2 isn that bad i guess, and l brush parts of it frward so no1 has that much of an idea hopefully. as regards to my thickness, its super thick, like stupidly thick in every region, it always has been, apart from the lil bit on the side. so am i likely to have this hairline for the rest of my life.


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this is why i said i understand your concerns because i dont really buy the "mature hairline" thing i just think most men even if not sheddding and balding spots, do experience a degree of hairloss so while u may never be a nw7..... and hell u may be a Norwood 2 still at 30 or whatever.... but i think inevitably at one point or another slowely u will lose more hair as u age(as everyone does) but you are in a position to really never ever go bald IMO which is why i say keep an eye on it and the first sign of your hair changing in weight i would use "hardcore treatments" just for the sake of saving those youthful locks for as long as possible. i know a guy who kept a nw1 literally the most ridiculous nw1 even into his fifties, however he still has the nw1 line but is now diffusing and could be completely bald(or not) by u know 60? see my logic? hairloss is just too un pedictable and while a thick nw2 at 26 is far from a problem, u should spend more time on this forum and web in general educating youself about hairloss, it's many forms and treatments, because in my opinion if u are concerned enough to seek out advice here u may as well become a part of the culture lol so welcome! :)