Norwood 2 Forever. Should I Consider Myself Lucky?


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Being a NW2 in my early twenties sucks.


If i follow in my father's footsteps, i should be a somewhat thick (only sucks if you shine a light on my head) NW2 until i get to my fifties.

He's 51 and he's still a NW2.5.

Should i consider myself lucky? Hell i would be happy if i only manage to get to my forties like this.


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Yes and no i guess. No because you are loosing hair regardless if its going at a snails pace. Yes because you could be me with a nw2.5 at 17 with really bad thinning all over.


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Eh, I wouldn't take that sh*t for granted. Could go south quick at any time.


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Don't take it for granted. Nobody knows how male pattern baldness works, really, or who you get it from. My dad was Norwood 6-7 at age 30. I turned 30 this year and I'm slow at Norwood 2.5. My mother's sister's husband has a full head of hair, yet both his sons were bald before 30. My grandfather on my mother's side had a full head of hair until he died (we're talking teenage hairline before, during, and after a f*****g war).


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Don't take it for granted. Nobody knows how male pattern baldness works, really, or who you get it from. My dad was Norwood 6-7 at age 30. I turned 30 this year and I'm slow at Norwood 2.5. My mother's sister's husband has a full head of hair, yet both his sons were bald before 30. My grandfather on my mother's side had a full head of hair until he died (we're talking teenage hairline before, during, and after a f*****g war).

Well, i can always hope, i guess.
Anyway, i have little to no shedding now, and thinning seems to have slowed down dramatically. If it keeps going like this, i might be lucky.

Let's pray to the bald gods.