Non Romantic Effects. Getting Jobs. Weird Shaped Head And Looks.


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Hey everyone, just joined.

My hair has been receding a while, in a normal looking way and I've always had a huge forehead so I'm used to dealing with it. I'm not sure if it's going to diffuse it whatever, but my dad has a high hairline and bald spot. Honestly I'm pretty ok with the way it looks and I have a sort of messy close cropped cut that's working. But I've basically just told myself I will go bald in order to not be emotionally wrecked by it.

Some context, I lived a hard life through my twenties and had plenty of girlfriends. Now I am very reclusive and work/study focused in a field that gives me so much satisfaction that I could care less about women. Also my hard living was bound to take a toll physically so accepting responsibility for that has helped me realize I'd lose some things like hair, looks, great health etc.

Now my only fear stems from the fact that I know I will look very strange and off putting bald. I know everyone is ultra sensitive to their personal appearance so I'm sure it wont be as bad as I expect, but I'm already kind of different looking. Does being a bald, strange looking guy make it especially hard to get jobs and stuff? That's all I'm worried about. I don't want to do any treatments, and only would do so if people started treating me like the elephant man and chasing me out of the village with pitchforks. So is it all confidence? Cause mine definitely doesn't come from looks, but it's there.

Just looking for some insight. Thanks!


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You have beautiful black hair. Would die for your color.

On the point of your looks. You can pull it off for now but, like me, the further it recedes...

Well it can be an issue regarding looks.


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You have beautiful black hair. Would die for your color.

On the point of your looks. You can pull it off for now but, like me, the further it recedes...

Well it can be an issue regarding looks.
Thanks for the compliment! I've always liked being pale with dark hair but balding I look more and more like a sleazy eastern european henchman lol. But yea, if it didn't go past NW5 I could pull off a somewhat "distinguished" look with very short hair. I'm over trying to be appealing to women. Luckily I kind of like homely and chubby girls, but even they can be selective these days, but oh well. I'm old and experienced enough not become bitter, I definitely understand why young guys become enraged incels tho. I'm not photogenic but am good looking to a select few highly attractive women irl and losing that will take getting used to.


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Does balding ever stop? I mean it did with my dad and on my mom's side. I keep seeing people here saying it just goes and goes till you're finished.


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Does balding ever stop? I mean it did with my dad and on my mom's side. I keep seeing people here saying it just goes and goes till you're finished.
It will go until your designated pattern of hair loss in complete, I guess.


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Hey, you don't have to worry. Society is smoothly moving towards not paying attention to the appearance of other people. As a last resort, most of my friends with the same problem have found wives. And you don't have to worry about work at all if you are not a model for shooting shampoos, then everyone looks at your work experience. Haven't seen a hair paragraph on this site

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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"Nobody cares how x looks like"

It's not how it works. It's subconscious. The better you look you, or the "nicer" you appear to be, higher your chances of getitng any job.

Everybody treats you better when you look younger/healthier


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"Nobody cares how x looks like"

It's not how it works. It's subconscious. The better you look you, or the "nicer" you appear to be, higher your chances of getitng any job.

Everybody treats you better when you look younger/healthier
Tbh, there are a lot of bald dudes where I work and ppl treat them well enough. They are all successful and married with kids too.

Browsing through the thread I got the idea that OP is the type who can deal with balding mentally and I was right, as he left the forum for good and moved on with his life.

Sadly in my case I'm more appearance-based and thrive to look like the best version of myself and receive validation from women so I can't take going bald lightly.

I mean if I was already married perhaps I would feel less pressure to improve my looks but I would still end up getting a transplant regardless.
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Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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Tbh, there are a lot of bald dudes where I work and ppl treat them well enough. They are all successful and married with kids too.

Browsing through the thread I got the idea that OP is the type who can deal with balding mentally and I was right, as he left the forum for good and moved on with his life.

Sadly in my case I'm more appearance-based and thrive to look like the best version of myself and receive validation from women so I can't take going bald lightly.

I mean if I was already married perhaps I would feel less pressure to improve my looks but I would still end up getting a transplant regardless.

Yes I'm not saying people treat bald men badly. But these bald men of your works probabbly have any visual features that was appealing in the begning. An then of course their personality became more important in the long run. But the first impression of someone is always visual. Good looking people, young people or people that fit in the beauty standarts are treated nicely at the first sight.

I still look 16-18, A lot people treat me differently because of that, for some reason. People like youth, even if it's from someone else.