NO2 supplements


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i have read about NO2 (nitrouse oxide) being a growth stimulant and when used with L-arganine it's growth abilities are excellent.

I know that it doesnt mean a cure for baldness, hell it doesnt even talk about bald people using it, But the lady at the counter of GNC said that it was a good supplement (i didnt even mention my hair, i had a hat on) and she told me that it made many older men gain some of their original hair color. i am 22 so its obvious that she thought i was looking for a lifting suppl. and not a hair growth stimulant.

My question is, I just had a terrible shed, and I can feel most of the hairs growing back slowly, would NO2 help those hairs grow in faster and reduce the length of the resting phase.

I am big into hockey and the gym so maybe i should give it a go and who knows maybe itll help me in both ways??

whadya think and has anyone tried it?

feedback always greatly appreciated by this fella


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thinstinks said:
i have read about NO2 (nitrouse oxide) being a growth stimulant and when used with L-arganine it's growth abilities are excellent.

I know that it doesnt mean a cure for baldness, hell it doesnt even talk about bald people using it, But the lady at the counter of GNC said that it was a good supplement (i didnt even mention my hair, i had a hat on) and she told me that it made many older men gain some of their original hair color. i am 22 so its obvious that she thought i was looking for a lifting suppl. and not a hair growth stimulant.

My question is, I just had a terrible shed, and I can feel most of the hairs growing back slowly, would NO2 help those hairs grow in faster and reduce the length of the resting phase.

I am big into hockey and the gym so maybe i should give it a go and who knows maybe itll help me in both ways??

whadya think and has anyone tried it?

feedback always greatly appreciated by this fella

What do you mean by you can "feel" the hairs growing?


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i mean that when i run my fingers through my scalp i can feel really small hairs starting to grow


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That's awesome. Good luck keeping that going... hoping that I can feel the same thing someday...


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Yeah NO2 is a time released form of arginine. It's supposed to realize nitric oxide for up to 16 hours.

If you were to supplement with regular arginine at 4 grams, it would only realize nitric oxide for a few minutes at most.

I work at GNC and i've gotten some pretty insane feedback from that supplement as far as results.

No one really mentions hair, but i can bet it will give your hair a great boost.

If you read Ed Byrds book (the creator of this supplment) he explains nitric oxide as a vasco-dilator - widens the blood channels so more nutrients and blood can flow through the body easier.
