No results after 7 months on Finasteride (Procas 1/4)


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I'm 23, been thinking since 17 I think, I'm a NW2 slowly going towards NW3
This is a previous post with some pics that I posted some time ago when I started using Proscar)

So I have been on Proscar cut in 1/4 for 7 months now. I also use Nizoral Shampoo 2% twice a week (thinking about using it 3 times a week now).

I have yet to see any improvement, if anything it feels like my hair has gotten thinner ...

I was wondering, have any of you guys have had results past 7-8-9 months ? if you're going to get results, do you get them within the first 3-6 months ?

I'm thinking maybe I should start using Minoxidil once or twice a day but I want to wait and see what the results (if any) are on Proscar.


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Just because you are not seeing regrowth does not mean that its not working. Only the very lucky get significant regrowth.

Maintenance alone is a result and it took me 2 years to be sure that the finasteride was working.

7 months is not a long time when treating hairloss Id give it at least a year before adding minoxidil.


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Add minoxidil with finasteride then only u get quick result. You can read all success stories maximum persons with minoxidil


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Just be patient mate....finasteride takes full 1 year to show result in some guys....While others get quick results within few months....
Off course add minoxidil 5% to your regimen...


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If its continually getting worse month by month then that might mean you are not a responder to finasteride. Usually guys in their early twenties have aggressive forms of hair loss which sucks, monitor it for a few more months and if its still getting worse get on Dutasteride