No offence, but this section is very very negative


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This section "helps" people who strugle with baldness to feel more self-conscious, miserable and paranoid.
And look how much activity is in here, it is a very active section of the site.
Some argue that speaking about your problems may help, but, what's here is not in any way, helping anyone. It just makes the situation worse, i think.
Balding people don't need this. It's just "turning the knife into the wound" what is exactly happening here.
As i see, here the most active members are guys with quite advanced male pattern baldness, who don't have many options besides to try to accept, to a point, their male pattern baldness or at least try not to think about it 24/24. And the type of discussions here will never help them in any way.
And it is not only about them, every guy with hairloss is affected in a negative way when he reads this topic.
It is the completely wrong direction, even if, i admit, you kind of get sucked into this type of discussions, you feel at the beggining that it helps to talk about your problems, but after that, you feel more miserable. No matter how miserable you are and how much you despise your male pattern baldness, you will find here some who are more miserable than you, and make you feel worse.
And i don't get the point with this "hypothetic" questions like: what would you do if you wiuld wake up with a full head of hair? I don't see any sense, these type of ideas bring even more frustration.

I think, for more balance on the forum, another parallel section should be created, only about how to minimise male pattern baldness impact on life quality, or try to accept baldness.
You can argue, but, as i'm getting older, i feel that i come to terms better and better with my condition, and i am starting to admit more and more that , if you accept your balding to some extent, and don't act everyday and everywhere miserable and super-pissed about it, the effects of male pattern baldness on your social life and interaction with others would be minimal. As about career/working place, they could be inexistant at all, as long as you're not a male model or hollywood actor, of course.
What do you think? Feel free to argue, and tell me if i'm wrong, but personally, for me, this section just added more "fuel to the fire" when i was at my worst period because of male pattern baldness.
Even now, when baldness doesn't bother me as much, i try to not enter here, the rare moments when i enter here and read something, it brings me nothing but bad feelings.
I know it's very very hard to accept male pattern baldness, and much much harder the higher Norwood you are, but, reasonably now, accepting that baldness makes you less attarctive, so at the looks department you take a big hit, if you, at least try to accept it to some extent, instead of being miserable every moment, your quality of life should improve.
I know it's hard to not care about how you look, in this extra-superficial word, especially if you're young or very young, but, given that this **** called baldness has no cure, not even something close to it, if you can accept it, your life could be easier.
I enforce, if you "Can" accept it, i am NOT trying to say to anybody "shut the **** up and accept your bald head, there are much worse conditions in the world".

For example, i came across some video about one guy, Joe Rogan, talking about his baldness:

OF course the dude is 48-something, but it looks like, after struggling with balding, transplants, etc the guy shaved the head, and he is even able to talk with humour about his baldness and even about his scar.
So he was desperate, had hair transplant's, etc. but now he realises he shoudln't have done any and he should have shaved his head sooner. The solution he ultimately chose, and most probably he waited so long because of the STRIP scar in the back.
Of course, i admit, at 48 maybe all of us would have accepted their fate, but i think, the sooner we do it, the better our rest of life is going to be.

So, why should a balding dude come to this thread, read all is here, and get more miserable, instead of, let's say, watching guys like Rogan or reading that kind of stuff?


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I think if you are to far down into depression no area will help and an area like this IS actually therapeutic to some. I know when I have my moods ranting and being a schithead aloud helps. You could go into the general discussion area for what youre looking for honestly.

I think sometimes there has to be a good medium of back and forth. You NEED those times where you can just vulgarly vent (wish they didnt enact censoring on here) and then you need to be able to look at it from the other side as well. There are some commenters who seem to revel in the animosity they think the entire world has for them.
I will honestly say bald guys have a crap rap in the world but also there is a sense of "making yourself the victim" I see some people do.
You cant understand everyones life though either. Some may exaggerate here and others may be outright making it up, it IS the internet. Few guys post pics of themselves.

I know I could care less what other guys think about me. My entire issue with losing my hair is, I KNOW Im an unattractive mess bald and it a sense of loss I DONT WANT. I also know it makes me look way more like my idiot old man which makes me want to throw myself from a building. Then on top of it all I get to look at BOTH my siblings with perfect hair.

You cant lie, being bald affects everything around you. You are stigmatized for everything from relationships to employment. Unless you are a GORGEOUS bald guy (VERY RARE) you are screwed.

Every person who comes to this area is already a mess. IF they are not they will simply move on to other forums.

I think many of the guys in this section also have very little going on per say.
Some of them might want to find a hobby outside of video games. Maybe pick up and instrument, or write, or work out. Something that will push them out a bit more and relieve some focus off just the hair issue. Maybe join a social club of some sort. It does help me.


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I take alot of it as tongue in cheek until someone has a meltdown. Rare, but it happens.