No masturbation challenge


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This is my first post on here and would like to share story. Pretty much I'm 18 years old and going to be going to college next year. Right now my hairline is decent but receding at a fast rate. When I say fast rate I mean 2 years ago I nearly had a perfect hairline. However that is when I began masturbating a lot. And when I say a lot I mean atleast 2 times a day and sometimes it can get to 6 to 7 times a day as embarrassing as that sound. Got very addicted. Also I think masturbation has a effect on appearance. Girls used to hit on me a lot but ever since a began masturbating a whole lot I began to look tired and on drugs. All of my friends say I look tired and with my self confidence at a low and my hair gettng worse and worse, I'm going to go to a stop to masturbating.

I really do think masturbation has a effect on a hairline and a large effect actually. My dad had a perfect hairline at age 30 until he started to lose it. Both of my parents dads(grandpa) had perfect hairlines until about late 30s. I'm over here at age 18 thinking I will be lucky not to be bald at age 22. Talked to my parents and they said no one in the family started losing there hair as early as I did so I began reading online at masturbation having a part to do with receding hairline.

I already started the no masturbation challenge. Didn't do it yesterday or any today. It's very hard not to do it, but I feel like I'm gonna give it a try. I don't really tend to end this challenge if I start seeing some results. Also not just doing this for the hairline but also appereance and my self confidence.

I'll keep you guys updated often and let you know how I'm doing when it comes to changes or lack of changes. Thanks

Quantum Cat

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read the replies here:


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Woke up this morning and found a few extremely thin hairs in areas that originally had none. I'm 18 have gone 3 days without masturbating. Last time I went a day without masturbating, I was at age 15. So far it's going smooth right now. I'll keep you guys updated.


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To keep your hair this way you will need to do this forever.But then you can stop looking for a girlfirend because you won't need any..Because contrary to popular belief it is not masturbation but any kind of sexual activity - even thinking about it - that is maintaining hair loss.Also you will likely not see improvements quickly; in my experience improvenments start to show around the three weeks mark of being "clean".. Also I found that heavy resistance training (at the level of overtraining) helps (without supplements), as this way it acts immuno suppressive, lowering testosterone. So, have fun. lol

Quantum Cat

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hmmmm... the other thread appears to be deleted.

well I'll try to succinctly summarise what was discussed there:

It's a batsh!t theory and WILL NOT WORK.


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Have you ever tried this before and when I say no masturbation, I include no sex. I also do a good job about not thinking about anything lustful. It's been proven masturbating can have a effect on a receding hairline lol. DHT can build up if you masturbate a whole lot and DHT has a large part to do with losing hair btw


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Increased testosterone could be related to hair loss.
I read a study somewhere that if you are having a lot of sex, your testosterone could be maintained at high levels. I.e you are kept wanting more and more.

To lower testosterone it may be better to ejaculate less frequently, may be only when you absolutely need to, and in that way your testosterone is maintained at lower resting levels. but not leave it too long as this would obviously make you very horny too!!
I really can't remember where I read that, it could be a load of tosh!


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Well I'm not sure about it effecting Testosterone or DHT, I've seen studies suggesting Testosterone levels spike at 7 days from not masturbating and then return to baseline shortly after and don't really change anymore.

Although orgasm does raise prolactin which as been shown to slow down hair regrowth in mice, that's about as much support for the idea you'll get in published studies and even that's pretty weak.

anceodtally I've heard people say its got rid of their acne, a lot of hairloss treatments seem to reduce acne so I guess there may be a link there.


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Geez dude your keen, no offence mate but I kinda hope it doesn't work because that would mean I would need to stop having sex also wouldn't it? a very scary thought for a lot of blokes here I bet! I do admire your commitment though.