No go on the Rogaine


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I was wondering if there was other over the counter growth stimulants besides Minoxidil

I can't use Minoxidil because my family and friends believe it was the cause of my brain tumor (which was not cancerous and was taken out safely)

so I just wanna be safe and use something else

any suggestions would be great, any shampoos or vitamins or anything?



Established Member
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I can't use Minoxidil because my family and friends believe it was the cause of my brain tumor

Are your family and friends doctors? I fail to see why their opinions mean anything. I have never heard of minoxodil causing a tumor.

And no, there's nothing else with results in the ballpark of minoxodil or finasteride. Most people find Nizoral shampoo beneficial, but not on its own.


Established Member
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If you want to avoid minoxidil you only options would be to use Prox-N. You can also alternate Nano shampoo and Nizoral. It won't be as good as minoxidil but it should help.


New Member
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my family and friends believe it was the cause of my brain tumor

Eh that might be the dumbest statement of the year, no offense. Seriously, how can your friend/family know for sure that rogaine caused a brain tumor? Do they have any medical training at all? Heck, even doctors cannot tell what caused that brain tumor, so how the heck can a normal person?

What I don't get is how they came to that conclusion? I mean rogaine is a topical solution right? It goes on the skin and is absorbed by the skin. How the heck did it get through your skull and into the brain tissue? Is rogaine magical that it penetrates bone now?


Experienced Member
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Stop using minoxidil - a cure for cancer! , what makes you different from everyone else? Rogaine is one of the biggest hairloss treatments and is used by millions. Wouldn't everyone else get tumours too?