No Generics's Story - (My experience)

no generics

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I have been suffering hair loss for three years. I first started with Rogaine once a day. A year later I advanced to two times a day. Six months later I added Proscar(1.25 grams/day). I was satisfied with the results and had hair regrowth but not to the original density prior to the onset of my loss.

After about a year on Minoxidal and Proscar, I switched to a generic brand(Mexican) of Proscar. Within three months, I experienced renewed hair loss which I attributed to the generic. I went back on Proscar and within three months the shedding stoppped and my hair regrew.

To try and make a good situation out of a bad one, I added Nizoral to my regimen at two times a week. I now feel that my hair is thicker and fuller prior to my bad experience with the Mexican generic. I have used generic Minoxidal(Kirkland) with no perceived difference than Rogaine.

Although I have no proof other than my personal belief, I would not recommend using generics manufactured outside the US in the future. It is not worth the risk. Any generic sold in the US would be subject to USDA approval and the efficacy should be equivalent to that of the name brand.


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Hi and welcome! I totally agree. Buying online is always risky. Always go to your Doctor and get a script, that way you know what you have is real.


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which are the medicine is approved by USDA

in that list dutas genercic is there?

no generics

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fireman said:
Hmmm I wonder how many merck plants frequent this board :dunno:

Hello Fireman. I don't work for Merck and I am actually living here in Mexico and purchased the generic at a franchise farmacia. However, I later found out that no other farmacia carried the generic. The difference in price between the generic and Proscar is negligible when you buy the Proscar on sale. It is something like a $20.00 savings for a six month supply.

The reason that I posted is that I received tons of information here that I previously did not have prior to my bad generic experience. I was led to this forum after googling "generic Mexican finasteride" which ultimately led me to Nizoral. I felt that I would like to inform others here on my perceived notion of the non-efficacy of the Mexican generic as a way of giving back to the forum. Again, I have no empirical proof but I had never previously experienced a "shed cycle" that seems to be common among some people here. Maybe it was a "shed cycle" and maybe it wasn't. I'll never truly know.

I also believe that the Nizoral is actually growing hair on my temples. My hairline has grown a good half inch on each side which I never had before prior to its use and with just the Proscar/Minoxidal regimine. Also, I now have subtle hair growth above and to the side of my eyebrows, something that others here have linked to Minoxidal use. About the same time I started Nizoral, I had also been using Retin-a(excellent results for my skin) on my face for better complexion. It is possible that this has caused the unwanted facial hair growth and I have subsequently stopped.

My regimine

1.25/day Proscar
.05 minoxidal generic liquid twice daily
Nizoral twice/week(I am going to increase to three times a week)
500mcg biotin daily
muti-vitamin daily
B-complex vitamin daily.

Cutting the Proscar into 1/5's is a hassle. Does anyone know if I can take 1.25/day and then skip a pill every four days?

no generics

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The Mexican company that sells the generic finasteride is called PISA Laboratories and it is sold as GI Finasteride.

I do not recommend this product or company.

For about three weeks now I switched from two times a week to three times a week for 1% Nizoral. I believe that I am suffering the S/E of increased itching and dryness on my back and arms, especially my back. The rest of my body seems normal.

I have also seen darkness above both my eyes(black eyes). Perhaps this is due to lack of blood flow caused by the Minoxidal. Do anyone here have any suggestions?

The Nizoral cotinues to grow hair on my temples and seems to also thicken my hair. I still have unwanted hair slightly above and to the side of my eyebrows and have decreased my Minoxidal use to one application seven days a week and two applications three times a week, always right after I shower.

no generics

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It has been a month since I have increased Nizoral to three times a week instead of two and decreased Minoxidal 5 percent from twice a day seven days a week to twice a day three times a week. No differences either way as of yet other than the unwanted hair loss above and to the side of my eyebrows has noticeably decreased and is now barely perceptible. I have also discontinued the use of retina-a on my forehead.

One thing I would like to mention is that prior to my hair loss my scalp was incredibly oily. I had to wash it with a deep-cleansing clarifying shampoo everyday otherwise it would look like I was a greaser from the 1950's. I was prescribed a drug called Aldara for some plantar warts on my hands and one month later my oily hair vanished and my hair loss started. I do not know if this is simply a coincidence or if the Aldara had something to do with it. Four months after using the Nizoral, my oily hair has now resumed.


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My Proscar cost me like $80 at my local drug store. Unless you're extremely strapped for cash, I'd say that's a pretty good deal.

no generics

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The Rogaine brand minoxidil now comes with a spray as opposed to the dropper that the Kirkland and Walgreens minoxidil uses. I believe that the spray is much more effective as the coverage is better.