nizoral use after hair transplant


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Sounds good to me. I'm sure they could help out. i never said they could not, or that no physician knows about some of this stuff. I was just refuting lookinggood!'s implication that picking 5 doctors at random would be nearly as beneficial to the board as having Bryan here.

I'd also like to have an organic chemist on the site who can explain why spironolactone reacts with minoxidil. It won't be long before I read my old text book and learn why and a bunch of other stuff, but for now I can just do stuff like calculate how much lie needs to be added to fatty acids to bring their pH up to 5, or determine what their pH will be at difference concentrations.

I'm sure that far more than a 1% of doctors know about far more than just propecia and rogaine. But unless a doctor is fighting male pattern baldness himself and did a lot of research in areas he was not direactly trained in, he will probably not have seen most of the studies Bryan has.


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gillenator said:

I don't want to offend you but I really encourage you to stop a moment, step back and think of the impressions you are imposing on others with your accusations and implications.

Sure, there are doctors and really just about any profession i.e., attorneys, etc with incompetency and ignorance in some of its practitioners. But keep in mind medicine is a very broad and complex field with many areas of specialization within it due to the complexities. Avodart is a prostrate drug not a hairloss medication although those of us within the hairloss community recognize it has some hairloss retardation benefits. But I an relate to what you are saying. I started cutting Proscar in 1996 for hairloss even before Propecia was on the market. Most of the docs at that time thought I was nuts and I had one heck of a time trying to get one to prescribe Proscar to me. How did I find out about cutting Proscar? From an MD who was doing it himself for the same reasons. I can remeber having to explain to my primary care Doctor what Propecia was when it did finally hit the market. BUT, she was great in internal medicine!

It's really just a matter of you not knowing enough of the good competent docs within this field of cosmetic surgery. I'm just encouraging you to think twice before you make such generalizations about things that are more your suppositions than substance.

And we all have to be very careful that we are not "practicing medicine". I don't care how much research we do, we still are not licensed physicians. We all need to recognize that what we say in this community impacts those who read these forums, and this is not to be a place where we serve our own self interests and agendas.

How about all of us sending a PM to the owner of this site to start a "patient to doctors" section in this community? What do you guys think?

Hear, hear! Well said! I was waiting for you to chime in.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
Sounds good to me. I'm sure they could help out. i never said they could not, or that no physician knows about some of this stuff. I was just refuting lookinggood!'s implication that picking 5 doctors at random would be nearly as beneficial to the board as having Bryan here.

I'd also like to have an organic chemist on the site who can explain why spironolactone reacts with minoxidil. It won't be long before I read my old text book and learn why and a bunch of other stuff, but for now I can just do stuff like calculate how much lie needs to be added to fatty acids to bring their pH up to 5, or determine what their pH will be at difference concentrations.

I'm sure that far more than a 1% of doctors know about far more than just propecia and rogaine. But unless a doctor is fighting male pattern baldness himself and did a lot of research in areas he was not direactly trained in, he will probably not have seen most of the studies Bryan has.

Do u know what refute actually means? Random also. You just dont read the posts well and substitute it for what is what you want to believe. Very self serving and that doesnt help anyone but yourself.


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Maybe you can enlighten this guy abeit as to what hair transplant Mds are experts and have the experience and knowledge in this area of specialization that he refuses to acknowledge. He doesnt even know who Dr Cole is!


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I would like a pharmacist or MD to tell me how much a grapefruit every other day would inhibit the p450 enzyme. I don't know if any studies have been done on the active compound in grapefruits. I'd like to know exactly how high my dutasteride levels will climb.

In the context of the posts in which I've seen people state they wish they could ask an MD, or plan to ask one, it just seems like people assume MDs know everything, or even half of everything on the topics on this board, and I just want to point out that they are not god's or experts in all areas. They do have a lot of knowledge, and many could catch and point out many biochemical misconceptions on here. I'm very aware that Bryan's chemistry skills to not seem to be that high, from the questions he does not answer. He has obviously read a lot of specifics about chemicals related to hair loss, and knows of common sources of many chemicals, but I'm sure a new MD who has not forgotten organic chemistry from years ago could enlighten us on many points.

Look at bubka, a biology major who is in graduate school. He should be a prime example of how much people can forget. I don't think you guys realize that college math professors who speciallize in a branch of math that does not use calculus will forget a lot of calculus over the years, and that doctors who had to take lower level bio classes to get their degree will forget them unless they actively review them and not just the stuff that is needed on the job each day. Anyway, i once asked bubka a basic question about fatty acids, and he had forgotten that stuff. And he's a graduate student. it takes a college student in advanced classes to know what kinds of stuff people will forget or remember. I know doctors are required to keep learning knew stuff, and are tested regularly, so that does help a lot. but I don' t know how random the tests are. If they are told what they will be tested on before the test, then they don't have to remember everything. I think most college educated people will know what I'm saying, and no one else will know who to believe, so maybe I'm wasting my time. You have to be in college and take a lot of classes on different topics and some advanced classes to know what it is like.

And lookinggood!, how am i self serving? Do you think I give a sh^t how smart anyone on here thinks I am? How can you think so highly of doctors when many of them disagree with each other? They can't all be right. I've talked to them and seen them study and I know they are just people. I realize a decent percentage are very educated and true scholars, but even those can't know the answers to some of your very specific questions unless they deliborately research them.

One more example, though: an english major recommended a book on her class reading list that semester to me. She said it was a good book. I read it, and commented on it and asked her questions. She did not know what I was talking about, and accused me of making stuff up. It was obvious that she had not read the book or had forgotten it already. This is very common in college, and her GPA is over a point higher than mine.


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Let's end this debate that's getting no where. Ask the site owner to set up an MD section. But read balding blog to get an idea of how much help you might get. Any help is better than none, and I'm glad i got help from micheal berry and docj077. It would be interesting if Bryan is a doctor.


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You can omar!

Didnt you read the important posts not the usual self serving anecdotal nonsense from CCS?

I used it 3 weeks post op. No problems! If it irritates try something gentle, perhaps baby shampoo or haircycle products.