Nizoral on an Oily Scalp - Good or Bad?


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Some will say Nizoral on an oily scalp is a must to unclog all that sebum/sweat/oil. However others will say drying out an oily scalp (with nizoral) will only encourage more oil production.. what do you guys think?


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I have what I would consider an oily scalp. I use nizoral maybe two to three times a week at the most and it always seems to make my hair/ scalp drier and appear fuller. I like this and will continue to use it.


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The sebaceous glands are inside the dermis, there's no way that they would "know", usually sebaceous glands will produce more sebum if you eat garbage food not because you clean the scalp. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I wouldn't worry.


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I have always had a ridiculously oily scalp since going through puberty, the oil stepped up a notch now I am on dutasteride and nizoral is a life saver in my opinion I can almost use it everyday! I agree with resu if I have a big weekend and don't eat healthy the oil does get worse.


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I have always had a ridiculously oily scalp since going through puberty, the oil stepped up a notch now I am on dutasteride and nizoral is a life saver in my opinion I can almost use it everyday! I agree with resu if I have a big weekend and don't eat healthy the oil does get worse.

do you have thick or fine hair?

and how do you find the nizoral daily helps your hair.. by reducing the oil? my concern with daily use would be the fact that since it dries the hair out, my scalp would over compensate with even more oil production. also the fact that maybe the nizoral would be too harsh for the fine hairs at the hairline.


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I HAD really thick hair lol, its still pretty thick. it drastically reduces the oil and it feels great after it dries but I still get the bad DHT itch though. I have only really been using nizoral for about a month or so, so I'm not as 'full bottle' as it were. Oily skin is oily skin mate it would happen whether you wash it off or not, my derm says it has no effect if you wash it every day you will still produce the same amount, he also thinks that bad diet has an effect on your oil secretion also although I can neither confirm or deny this. I do believe that finasteride or dutasteride makes an overproduction of skin oil in SOME people and I seem to be one of those unlucky people. Best of luck mate!