Nizoral contains Sodium Laureth Sulphate?!?!?!?!


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So I was reading the ingredients label on the my box of Nizoral 2% and noticed that one of the ingredients is Sodium Laureth Sulphate!!?

I dunno about you, but I've always been told that this ingredient found in many shampoos speeds up hairloss or makes it worse!! Now I am contemplating whether or not I should be using it at all!! Thoughts please!


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helpmyhair said:
I dunno about you, but I've always been told that this ingredient found in many shampoos speeds up hairloss or makes it worse!!

Don't believe everything you're told. I think that's a pretty hysterical claim. I don't know of any scientific support for it.


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Bryan said:
helpmyhair said:
I dunno about you, but I've always been told that this ingredient found in many shampoos speeds up hairloss or makes it worse!!

Don't believe everything you're told. I think that's a pretty hysterical claim. I don't know of any scientific support for it.

really? but even alot of people on this forum have mentioned its negative effects on hairloss. You are helping to put my mind at ease but I need more reassurance. Can anyone else comment?


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Calm down. It's an ingredient contained in virtually all shampoos (Including mild baby shampoos). The only reason it can be associated with hairloss is because for some (very few) it can irritate the scalp and so increase shedding - This shedding is temporary while using the product, minor and not the same as 'balding'. Not different from getting a bit of acne on the scalp which goes away eventually and often does not even affect the hair.


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Fundi said:
Calm down. It's an ingredient contained in virtually all shampoos (Including mild baby shampoos). The only reason it can be associated with hairloss is because for some (very few) it can irritate the scalp and so increase shedding - This shedding is temporary while using the product, minor and not the same as 'balding'. Not different from getting a bit of acne on the scalp which goes away eventually and often does not even affect the hair.

thanks fundi.


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When they do a study with a NON sls shampoo against an SLS shampoo, we might call that proof, but only if all the other ingredients are the same. I've never heard of such a study, so I don't know how they can make such a claim about balding. We just know that some people are irritated by it, much like some people are irritated by PG in minoxidil. Some people get sores from the SLS in tootpaste. I don't. If your scalp is not irritated, I would not worry. Mine feels very calmed after using nizoral.


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SLS is an allergen. It's not good for you, but baldng—I'm not sure. I wish nizoral would drop this ingredient.


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I think it's a milder form of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which can be irritating to the skin. I think the Laureth version is okay.


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Anarch said:
SLS is an allergen. It's not good for you, but baldng—I'm not sure. I wish nizoral would drop this ingredient.

So are peanuts, for some people. So is whey, and glutin. I know someone who is allergic to kiwi fruit. I'm not though, so I'm not going to stop eating kiwi. And I love peanuts, so I'll keep eating those too.

Yeah, propylene glycol makes my brothers scalp peal and look blood red. I can dump PG on my scalp all day with no problems. Just genetics. I won't stop using PG just because someone else is allergic.

I'm allergic to penicillin. Many people are. Do you want to avoid penicillin if you get bronchitis, and are not allergic? I think not.