Nictalop's story


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Hi everybody!

I've been spending a lot of hours these last days on this nice board. I am 20. My father is bald (shaved, look great on his 50 yo) and I got the same really thin hair my mother have. Kind of asian style, but not exactly. I noticed one year ago that my hair looked different, mainly my front hair. I mean, I wasn't worry at all, I just did like nothing had changed. But I was lying to myself.

I am not loosing my hair yet. My problem is more in my frontal line: the hair are thinner and smaller than some years ago. Reading this board I discovered that this was a classic problem of balding. I also noticed that my top face was getting greasy easily, actually I've compared some pictures of my 17yo and I was so sad to admit there was a difference.

I shaved my hair recently. I repeat I know I'm not looking bald at all (even if some girls have comment: oh your hair looks so thin), I'm just getting obsessed about it because the look of my frontal line depends of the light, and it's not clean and sharp but kind of diffuse (I read this was more difficult to deal with). In this picture, you can see it a little bit, but not so good because of the haircut. I gonna post another when it's getting longer.

I have recently begin to use nizoral shampoo twice a week. Here are my doubts:

- should I wait real shedding before beginning a treatment? Is balding always linked to shedding or can it be just a thinning getting worse?
- could any medecine provoque shedding if I'm not loosing my hair yet?

Please, even if it's not clear in the picture, it's not in my head. When I pass a hand in my hair, it's obvious: I'm almost not feeling anything in the front, and the growth speed is also different comparing to the sides and the back.
I went to a dermatologist in the beginning of the year for other reasons, and I used this chance to ask her about my hair (that was longer): she touched me and just said ' it's thinner in the front you're right, but you'r not getting bald yet, don't worry'. I prefer worry now than later.

Thank you for those who read and for you help. I read a lot of comments that it was better to begin it early, but how early? Oh, I got a last question:

- I understood finasteride was a dht inhebitor, with some succes regrowing mainly in crown area, but not really in the temple. I was wondering: if I have my temples still kind of nice (even there are different than some years ago), does the inhibation protect them (talking about mantaining and not regrowing)? Or fina is just not working in this area at all?

Thanks a lot guys. Here's the picture.

Oh, and excuse my english :)


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Hi, welcome to the board, the front section does look a bit thinner, I wouldn't worry too much right now but look into 'the big 3' when you decide that you definately want to do something about it.


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jwilson02, why do you say i failed to do so? he just doesnt seem to have any loss at all, shouldnt worry about it to much right now.


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> dresden: if I was losing my hair, I would be happy if I succeed in stopping the shedding, eventually regrowth. I know I'm not. But my hair is getting thinner slowly, and I don't wanna it to get it more, eventually want it thicker.

When I was 17, the comments were: "oh, I like your hair". Now it's "oh, it's kind of really thin". Nothing really bad, sure, but I don't wanna go further in this game.

> UK1. Thanks for the advice. Can minoxidil make hair thicker, without regrowing needed? Is it any risk of shedding if Im not loosing my hair?

Have a nice day guys.