NEWS: "Half of Internet v**** could be Fake"


Experienced Member
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And this is why I rather pay the extra dollars to know Im getting the real stuff. Too many scumb bags out there trying to make a quick dollar.

:-x :pissed:


Senior Member
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The chances that your Proscar or Propecia is fake is much smaller than with v****. So small in fact, that I wouldn't wory about it as long as your Proscar pill is a blue trapezoid, with "MSD 72" and "PROSCAR" clearly written on both sides, and it comes in Merck packaging.



Experienced Member
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That is true, but a lot of the Propecia that is ordered on the net are circular and white. Which does worry me a bit. We should all be a bit carefull and do some research before ordering from web sites that offer generic stuff for a fraction of the price. This is a good place to get feedback on particular sites.

Over and OUT!
Tony Montana