NEWBIE - and i've got 2 questions


New Member
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Im new here, and i posted a couple questions in the personal stories thread, but havent gotten any response.

I am 20 years old and am about a Norwood 2. Im experiencing hair loss in my temporal areas only. I am using Rogaine 5%, and am curious about how much i should use. The directions say to apply 1ml twice daily. But I am balding at both my right and left temples. Therefore, do i apply 1ml twice daily to BOTH temples (which would total 2ml twice daily), or just .5ml twice daily to both temples (which would total 1ml twice daily)?

My last question also has to do with the directions on the Rogaine box. The box says that the rogaine should only be applied to the vertex and is only for hair loss in the vertex. However, i have read about many of you that use rogaine for your temple area. Is it ok to apply rogaine to the temples, even if the box says not to?


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minoxidil has done very well for me in front, many others too. In the FDA trials they only rated the vertex so can only claim it grows hair there. There's a study around here somewhere which found 1/3 of guys in the study had moderate to greatly increased frontal scalp coverage after 16 weeks. The minoxidil boxes I've seen usually don't say not to use for the front, they say if your loss is in front it "may not" work for you.

I'd think you could get by with 1ml/day (.5ml per application) if treating just the temples. So long as they're wet with the minoxidil you should be fine. I can cover my entire frontal scalp with .5ml or less so treating just your temps shouldn't take much at all.

Good luck, hope it does well for you.