New to the neighborhood, need help


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Ok, here's the short version. I'm 25 now and started thinning at about 19. I've been on propecia and minoxidil 3% with tretinoin for about 4 years. For the first few years I was very happy, good regrowth. About a year ago I switched to proscar and a pill cutter, and I was quartering the pill and skipping the 5th day. About 8-9 months ago, I got into a position where I couldn't swing the minoxidil, but I stayed on the proscar. About 4 months ago I got back on the minoxidil and started taking a quarter of a finasteride every day, no longer skipping the 5th. Long story short, I've definitely experienced some serious thinning in the back and some receding in the front. Until tonight, I'd never even heard of shedding, and I'm wondering if my loss is due to my screwing with my regemin (4 months off minoxidil. & tretonin)or a "shed" due to going back on the minoxidil, and if my thinning is permanent, or if my hair should go back to what it was. Please, I've been feeling really shitty about this, and I could use some good news. Thanks for reading.