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Hello Everyone,

My name is Megan and I have been secretly dealing with hair loss for 6 years. This is my first time attempting to communicate with anyone regarding hair loss. Being a woman it is even more of a touchy subject so I appreciate any help in this area--from men or women.


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Re: post

mathphd1 said:
I posted here because the women's forums ar not very active. Sorry to offend.

You are more than welcome to post here at anytime, nobody will be offended. Lots of women post here.

But if you need to ask a specific question that a male can't answer or simply want to visit a busier womens forum please check out the sister site.


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Thank-you for your support

Thank-you for your support. I am new to this and I am looking for support. I have dealt with alopecia for years in silence and neglected to seek external support. I have tried numerous products claiming hair growth;however, as of yet have not had any real results. I have recently been introduced to a product called Showbon which was a referral from a friend is originally from Argentina. He had true results with the product and was very supportive of its claims. I perused the website,, for addiitonal information before purchase. The company claims true hair "rejuvenation" within 90 days and stands behind that claim with a full refund. I have tried Monoxodil, Propecia, and the veritable endless product lines with similar claims. I purchased product as I was able to speak with my friend who stated that results were real and was further reassured by speaking with a represenative from Showbon. I will keep all abreast of development with product. My question is has anyone else heard of the product, or better yet, used it with positive results? Again I appreciate the wealth of knowledge to be obtained from this forum and will be looking to its members for future support. Thank-you.


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Re: Thank-you for your support

mathphd1 said:
I have tried Monoxodil, Propecia, and the veritable endless product lines with similar claims.

Women should not use Propecia, it is made specifically for men. How long did you try Minoxidil for? It takes a long time in some people to work.

Never heard of the other thing you tried.


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I tried Minoxidil off an on for about 2 years with no real change in hair density score. I am a positive person and try to have a positive outlook. I do hope that Showbon succeeds where others have failed. According to their represenative, Showbon eclipsed Minoxidil in South America. With a money back guarantee, I have nothing to lose..except more hair. (Sorry at the bad attempt to make a joke of the situation) I will keep forum posted of my progress. Hopefully I can post a success story on the forum in 6 months.


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I also appreciate your communications with me Cassin. Reading throughhe site, as well as your responses, have helped me feel comfortable in this forum. Thank-you.


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45 you have a link for this product? I did a google and all I get is foreign language sites. I think I found the main site for this product or company, but all that came up on my screen is a main page with some music I couldn't make stop. I doubt I would use it anyway, but I would hate to see you get scammed, so I would like to review it and offer you my thoughts on it.


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Re: Showbon

mathphd1 said:
Thanks Beaner. The main site with information regarding the product is Once you decide to purchase the product you are redirected to I appreciate your altruism.

Well, I most certainly won't be deciding to purchase the product...or should I say, your product. Like I said, your main page does nothing but play music and gives less than zero information. Like, I said, I wouldn't want anyone to get SCAMMED!


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I appreciate your concern Beaner ;however, I am going to see this through..just like I have all the rest. Negative thinking will be detrimental to my success..if there is any to be had. I'm hopeful though. Regarding your comment of "my product", it is not; however, if I receive positive results I will be a free spokesperson for the product. Take care.


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I have been using the product SHOWBON for a year, my hair is growing in the crown area ( it used to be depleted of hair ), I see little or no results in the front although my friends tell me I have more hair there; the hair lost has stopped. I use the product exactly as they recommend it; I met in person the male that is used as the image for the product, his hair looked great, he did say that it took more 6 months for results to be visible, this is longer than what the company claims. If any one else is using this product please post your results; I tried MONOXIDIL for a week but could not deal with application time restrictions. The maker showbon showed me photos of other people that were bald and now have hair ( these were local celebrities in Peru) but I can not really say it was caused by his product. They also have a version for women but he did not have photos of women with 'positive' results. I will continue using it and will post results, if anyone else is using this product please write your experience.


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Do some research on oral spironolactone. A lot of women are already taking it to prevent acne. I think that for a lot of women with androgenic hair loss, that drug is a lifesaver.

However, keep up with a dermatologist (I'm sure you already are) and make sure that your problems are indeed related to androgens and not another underlying process.