New Product-American Crew Revitalize


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In addition to Propecia and minoxidil, I have been using Nioxin shampoo. Its been a great shampoo. It really makes my fine hair look and feel thicker. However, as has been pointed out many times, its efficacy at inhibiting hairloss is highly doubted. For me personally, its really hard to tell if the Nioxin has had any effect on hairloss, but because it was so good as a shampoo I've continued to use it. Still, I was looking around for a replacement that might actually give me some hairloss prevention benefits when I came across Tricomin which claims to have some copper-peptide formula which causes the folices to remain in the growth stage longer than it otherwise would. Because of cost and other factors I decided to pass, but I did look for it at local hair salons. No luck. Then, I read a review of a new shampoo being put out by American Crew which has the same formula, although in a lower amount. Its even made by the same company which makes Tricomin--ProCryte. I found it at a local hair salon and I've been using it for a few weeks now and can say that as a shampoo its not quite as good as Nioxin, but its too early too say if it has helped with hairloss. Is anyone else trying this product? What is your experience? I think it just came on the market. I think they are thinking of making it a competitor to Nioxin which has, for years, been the only thing salons had to offer those with thinning hair.



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The guy who cuts my hair recommended the spray serum and shampoo to me 7 months ago just before I started on the big 3. He showed me a picture of himself before he started and I must say, he had seen progress. I chose to table it cause I'd already decided what I wanted to use and I thought the stuff was pricey for an unproven treatment.

Each time I go see him we compare scalps. The last 2 times he's conceded that I've had more success on my program than he's had on his. Now he's thinking of switching over.

Different people, different treatments, different results. Who's to say who made the best choice?

jerry grant


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American Crew Revitalize is basically Tricomin, and you'd need to use the "serum" in order to see any results for hair loss, as is true with most suites of products that consist of shampoo, conditioner, and "scalp therapy".

HairlossTalk did an interview with the vice president of Marketing for ProCyte awhile ago about Revitalize and what it's all about. You can see it here: ... le&sid=149


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my g\f actually got me the 30 day supply of american crew...she's a hairdresser...i used it, it made my hair feel week..i stopped using it after..neutrogena t gel and nizoral work for me the best..i rotate those two with progaine which i use like 1 or 2 times a week..that american crew is just cashing in like others. don't fall for it.. it won't make your hair any thicker as any other shampoo that claims to