New Poster! My Horror Hairloss Journey (pics Attached)


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Hi all!

Fairly new poster on this forum, been reading for a while. Let me quickly share with you my horrible journey on the hairloss Road...

Typical male pattern baldness sufferer since 18, high receding hairline all my life. Hairloss on both mum and dad's side. Got to 23 and was following a typical Norwood pattern, losing a lot at the temples and getting the island on top of the head. Decided enough was enough, used inheritance money to go for a hair transplant. Most places told me to wait until I was a few years older, but the conmen at KSL Hair were happy to take my money do one for me. I was desperate as my confidence was rapidly declining. Long story short, was on the receiving end of an absolute horror transplant done by a butcher called Dr. Ash Dutta. Gave me me an inch thick bent hairline with nothing in behind leaving hairless gaps. Wasn't given the sufficent aftercare, and a year later after complaining they offered to correct the procedure. Gave me a more natural hairline and dotted some sporadic hairs on top. Still gaps, and now have FUE scars from two procedures. Was able to grow it out and conceal it with fibres, was doing okay for a year but more hair started falling out and decided to shave it completely and go for smp.

Don't know how I feel about it tbh, some girls have said they preferred me with hair, f*****g typical! Trying to grow it out again but it's too late I think. One side has receded more than the other cos that's just the luck I have.

Using minoxidil 5% twice daily, nizoral 2x a week, alpecin 5x a week, biotin x2 daily and msm 2x daily.

Seeing a fair amount of baby white hairs, but I have no idea if they'll mature so I'm gonna shave it all off again and keep doing the routine and hopefully they bloom a bit more.

Can anybody give any advice on these baby hairs and how they typically grow?

Many thanks people.


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I'm of the understanding that all finasteride would do is keep the exisiting hair I have?

Not necessary everyone reacts different go look at my success story I had measurable re growth in the first 2 months....give it a try don't listen to the horror stories


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Not necessary everyone reacts different go look at my success story I had measurable re growth in the first 2 months....give it a try don't listen to the horror stories
Wow you've got some seriously good results so far


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So its worth a try ive put it off for years because of the horror stories and I didn't want it affecting my performance as an athlete


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So its worth a try ive put it off for years because of the horror stories and I didn't want it affecting my performance as an athlete
That's why I've never touched it! I've always said to myself I'd rather have a horrible, odd looking head but still be able to have sex than a full head of hair but a limp dick! I suffer with depression a bit and I know on my bad days I lose pretty much all my libido, so I'm really worried that something strong like fina will be too strong


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That's why I've never touched it! I've always said to myself I'd rather have a horrible, odd looking head but still be able to have sex than a full head of hair but a limp dick! I suffer with depression a bit and I know on my bad days I lose pretty much all my libido, so I'm really worried that something strong like fina will be too strong

Here is the thing you already know that depression is a mental thing and that can drop the libido and that's fine as long as its just a mental thing. some people claim its a physical thing when they hop on fina but i think its mental as long as you and your mind are good with that I don't see why it would be worse for you

Murkey Thumb

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If I were in your position I would jump on the RU straight away. Doesn't have the same sides as Finasteride but may well provide you with some good regrowth. Give it 3-4 months and you will see results. I am surprised that any surgeon would give you a fue if they knew you weren't going to take finasteride.


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Agree with the above posters. You should use something to keep the hair loss under control, it is obviously aggressive and you probably should have taken some sort of anti Androgen a long time ago. If Minoxidil topically is not helping you can try low dose oral Minoxidil. You can also try dermarolling the scalp once/week. This usually helps with regrowth.


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It's interesting that you have nearly no hair behind your ears. It's the same with me. I think you have DUPA and finasteride and so on will barely help you.


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What to say...Sometimes that's the hardest thing...I guess for me it's PERSPECTIVE. Pics look OK to me. There's obviously some thinning but at least you're not bald. Any and anything\everything you try COULD help. Try low doses of finasteride, like .5 pill. Try growing it out. Try concealers. You at least have something to work with, and not a Norwood 5 no-hope...
And here's another thing, at least for me, the worst part about going bald is GOING bald... I can't tell you how many times I've said "If I could at least keep what I've got I could learn to deal with it..."...Can you keep what you've got and work with it?