New here - could really use advice.


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Hey folks.

First, thanks for all the posts - I'd certainly be more depressed and much less hopeful if not for all of those who've shared there stories (and regimens).

I'm 22 - I've been experiencing slow and steady loss over the past 3 years or so, and I just recently decided to do something about it. I started my regimen about 3 weeks ago - so far I'm using 5% generic Minoxidil 2x's a day, 1% Nizoral every other day or so, Folligen cream at night, and Nioxin (only because I like the shampoo & conditioner, not because I expect it to do anything about the hair loss). I'm very hesitant about starting oral finasteride only because I guess I'm not totally comfortable with the idea of taking a pill every day for the rest of my life (not to mention the potential to develop side effects). In any case, I know it's really essential to have a DHT-blocker in the regimen, and I'll probably have to suck it up and start taking it eventually... but I wanted to explore the alternatives before I do..... I was hoping for an opinion from you

Would it be worth my while to give a topical DHT-inhibitor a try (ie Crinagen, Revivogen, etc.)? Can anyone attest to their effectiveness?

I have a prescription for Propecia in my desk, but I don't want to fill it (and shell out the money) before I heard from you all about this. Thanks for the help, and best of luck.


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Hey man, ask your Doctor for a prescription for proscar. Its the same as propecia except it comes in 5mg pills instead of 1mg. Just cut the pill in quarters. As far as cost of proscar for me I spend 50 dollars for 30 pills, 30 last me 4 months, so thats like 12.50 a month. I spend more on gum in a month.


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hi. about the propecia, its all about a personal decision man. The truth is no one can tell you what you should and shouldn't take. Your non-propecia regimen seems like a solid one. i've heard mixed reviews on revivogen/topical DHT inhibitors, but I think the general consensus is that these will maintain at best. As you probably know, rogaine may get you some good regrowth that lasts four or maybe five years perhaps, but DHT will rear its ugly head eventually without an inhibitor. so again, its totally a choice you have to make. Here are some things that weighed into MY decision for taking propecia. Maybe this will help some.

1. The effectiveness:side effect ratio seems pretty good. 83% had "success" and 2% had side effects.
2. Propecia does not inhibit ALL of the DHT, just some of it. I think around 60% (sorry if i'm wrong), so you are not completely depleting your body of some hormone. again, comforting.
3. side effects were reversible.
4. Propecia was pretty successful in the clinical trials.
5. I like my hair.
6. It puts me at ease to know I'm doing ALL I can.
7. intercytex is in phase II clinical trials of hair multiplication. So i don't think i will be taking this drug for life. In fact, once HM comes out (they predict four years, so let's say 5) I won't have to take propecia any more if I don't want to. this is, of course speculation, but intercytex is big time funded, so that's always good.
8. A pill in the morning doesn't alter my life in any way, like some other regimen additions might.
9. Its been used to treat prostatic hyperplasia since 1990, so its been around (aka no strange side effects popping up).

With these things in mind, I decided to go for it. Everyone's different though. Best of luck in your fight. hair loss blows. cheers.